Useful tips

What does Ctrl Shift Left do?

What does Ctrl Shift Left do?

Ctrl – Shift – left mouse button drag: Draw a box for measuring size or cropping. Press and hold the shift and Ctrl keys, then press the left mouse button at one corner of the box. Hold the button down and move the mouse to the desired position of the other corner.

What is Shift and command?

Shift is a builtin command in bash which after getting executed, shifts/move the command line arguments to one position left. The first argument is lost after using shift command. This command takes only one integer as an argument.

What is command Shift F4?

Shift F4 Hold list displayed while you make a selection. Click on the button, then double-click to select a value. Ctrl F1 Select all items on screen. Ctrl F2 Deselect all items on screen.

What does Alt Shift Enter do?

In all major Internet browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera) pressing Alt + Enter opens a search in a new tab.

What is Shift 2 in shell script?

If a parameter is shifted to a position with a number less than 1, it “falls off” — its value is discarded. So the command shift always discards the previous value of $1, and shift 2 always discards the previous values of $1 and $2.

How do you calculate left shift operator?

The number to the left of the operator is shifted the number of places specified by the number to the right. Each shift to the left doubles the number, therefore each left shift multiplies the original number by 2. Use the left shift for fast multiplication or to pack a group of numbers together into one larger number.

How do you calculate left shift?

To calculate a left shift by 3 bits, follow these steps:

  1. Get your number in a binary format, e.g., 0000 0101 .
  2. Shift your bit string 3 positions to the left, discarding the digits falling out of scope, and filling up from the right with 0’s: 0010 1000 .
  3. And that’s it; you performed a shift of 3 bits to the left.

What is Shift and F5?

Shift + F5 forces the web browser to ignore its cached contents and retrieve a fresh copy of the web page into the browser. Shift + F5 guarantees loading of latest contents of the web page. However, depending upon the size of page, it is usually slower than F5 .