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What is the economic policy of India?

What is the economic policy of India?

According to the World Bank, to achieve sustainable economic development, India must focus on public sector reform, infrastructure, agricultural and rural development, removal of land and labour regulations, financial inclusion, spur private investment and exports, education, and public health.

What is economic development policy?

Economic development policies. In its broadest sense, policies of economic development encompass three major areas: Governments undertaking to meet broad economic objectives such as price stability, high employment, and sustainable growth.

What do you mean by Indian economic development?

Economic growth with increase in real per capita income, reduction in inequalities of income and in the number of poor people and generating institutional changes and development of technology that affect growth is called economic development.

Who is the father of Indian economic development?

Pamulaparthi Venkata Narasimha Rao (28 June 1921 – 23 December 2004) was an Indian lawyer and politician who served as the 9th Prime Minister of India from 1991 to 1996. He is often referred to as the “Father of Indian Economic Reforms”.

What are the 4 economic policies?

There are four major goals of economic policy: stable markets, economic prosperity, business development and protecting employment.

What is the example of economic policy?

Economic policy is the term used to describe government actions that are intended to influence the economy of a city, state, or nation. Some examples of these actions include setting tax rates, setting interest rates, and government expenditures.

What are the main features of Indian economy?

Important Features of the Indian Economy & GDP

  • 1] Gross Domestic Product. India had a GDP of 2.26 lac crore dollars in the year 2016.
  • 2] Low Per Capita Income.
  • 3] Indian Economy is a Mixed Economy.
  • 4] Agriculture is the most important sector.
  • 5] Uneven Wealth Distribution.
  • 6] Human Capital.
  • 7] Immense Growth of Service Sector.