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How do you help a stuttering student?

How do you help a stuttering student?


  1. Talk slower.
  2. Use more wait time.
  3. Look and listen.
  4. Repeat or paraphrase.
  5. Encourage turn-taking.
  6. Adjust talking demands when a student’s speech is bumpy.
  7. Do not have a hurried and rushed classroom.
  8. Acknowledge a student’s trouble with stuttering.

What teachers should know about stuttering?

Because stuttering can isolate students from their classmates, it’s essential that teachers provide help and support. Be patient when students who stutter are speaking. Teach all students the importance of not interrupting and giving everyone the time to express their thoughts and finish their own sentences.

What helps with stuttering problems?

Coping and support

  1. Listen attentively to your child.
  2. Wait for your child to say the word he or she is trying to say.
  3. Set aside time when you can talk to your child without distractions.
  4. Speak slowly, in an unhurried way.
  5. Take turns talking.
  6. Strive for calm.
  7. Don’t focus on your child’s stuttering.

How do you help a teen who is stuttering?

Here are 10 things you can do now to help your child:

  1. Learn about stuttering.
  2. Talk openly with your child.
  3. Empower your child.
  4. Provide direction and support.
  5. Choose appropriate therapy.
  6. Accept your child’s stuttering.
  7. Release ownership.
  8. Be prepared for unexpected changes.

How can teachers help students with speech impairments?

Academics & Behavior

  • Reduce unnecessary classroom noise as much as possible.
  • Be near the student when giving instructions and ask the student to repeat the instructions and prompt when necessary.
  • Provide verbal clues often.
  • Provide a quiet spot for the student to work if possible.
  • Speak clearly and deliberately.

Does stuttering affect learning?

If left untreated the child with a stutter may have difficulties with: Learning to talk, speech intelligibility and clarity. Self esteem and confidence when they realise their skills do not match their peers. Bullying when others become more aware of a child’s difficulties.

What causes stuttering in teenager?

Traumatic brain injury including concussions, brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases and even cerebral strokes can lead to stuttering in teens. Damage to the areas of the brain responsible for language processing and speech formation can cause the sudden incidence of stuttering in teens.

Can you develop a stutter at 17?

Can you develop a stutter in adulthood? Yes. However, a majority of the population begins stuttering in their early childhood and continues to do so in their later years due to lack of speech therapy and stuttering treatment.

Is it normal for a 15 year old to stutter?

So, it is quite normal for 14 or 15-year-olds to stutter if they have also stuttered as children. However, if your child never stuttered as a child and is suddenly showing the signs of stuttering as a teenager, it may be cause for concern.