
How do I enable Remote Desktop on Windows Server 2000?

How do I enable Remote Desktop on Windows Server 2000?

Log into your server with an account with administrative privileges. Click on the Windows ‘Start’ button. Right click on the ‘Computer’ icon and click on ‘Properties. ‘ Click on the ‘Remote’ tab and put a check mark in the ‘Enable Remote Desktop on this computer’ option.

Can you RDP into Windows 2000?

Yes, you can rdp to win2k pro. However, iirc you have to install the capability by going to the control panel, choosing Add/Remove Programs, and then Add Windows Components. It’s not just there by default, like it is in later versions of Windows.

How do I change permissions on Remote Desktop?

  1. On the RD Session Host server, open Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration.
  2. Under Connections, right-click the name of the connection, and then click Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog box for the connection, on the Security tab, configure the permissions as appropriate for your environment, and then click OK.

How do I grant access to a Remote Desktop server?

Steps How to Windows Server Enable Remote Desktop (RDP)

  1. Launch the Start menu and open Server Manager.
  2. Click on the Local Server on the left hand side of the Server Manager window.
  3. Select the Disabled text.
  4. Click on Allow remote desktop connections to this Computer on the System Properties window.

How do I enable remote desktop in Windows XP?

How do I enable Remote Desktop in Windows XP?

  1. Right-click My Computer, and select Properties.
  2. Select the Remote tab.
  3. Select “Allow users to connect remotely to this computer.”
  4. Click “Select Remote Users” if you want to add a non-Administrator user.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Select the users, and click OK.

How do I give admin rights to a remote desktop user?

Click the “Groups” folder in the Computer Management window rather than “Users.” Select the “Remote Desktop Users” group and then use the “Add” button in the Properties window to add all members of “Administrator” group as authorized users.

How do I manage remote desktop users?

In Server Manager click Remote Desktop Services > Overview, and then click a specific collection. Under Properties, click Tasks > Edit properties. Click User groups. Click Add and enter the user or group that you want to have access to the collection.

Does XP have Remote Desktop?

Remote Desktop is an optional Windows XP Professional service. To install it on a host system (to enable a computer to accept a remote connection request), Microsoft recommends you: Click Start. Click Control Panel.