Users' questions

What are the physical requirements for Marine recon?

What are the physical requirements for Marine recon?

Physical Requirements

  • INITIAL STRENGTH TEST. To even begin recruit training, aspiring Marines must pass the Initial Strength Test (IST).
  • PULL UPS / PUSH UPS. Male: 3 pull-ups or 34 push-ups (2:00 time limit)
  • RUN. Male: 1.5 mile run in 13:30.
  • PLANK OR CRUNCHES. 40 second plank (1:03 minimum)

Can you go straight into Marine recon?

Yes, one can enlist specifically for a training path that would qualify one as a Reconnaissance Marine and a Marine infantryman could apply for Marine Reconnaissance, so it is possible to become Reconnaissance Marine in four years.

Is Marine Force Recon hard to get into?

The Reconnaissance selection and training course is intensely rigorous. A high dropout rate is a testament to how challenging both the physical and mental aspects of Recon selection are. But it is also frustrating for the Marine Corps—and expensive.

How do you score 300 on Marine PFT?

Consistently running a sub-18:00 3-mile and executing more than 20 pull-ups and 100 crunches, he’s achieved what all Marines strive toward — a PFT score of 300. “Attaining a perfect PFT score is about consistent hard work,” Farlaino said.

Can you volunteer for Recon at MCT?

You can volunteer anytime, I guess, in the strictly technical sense. There used to be (not sure if there still are but I would imagine so) contracts for Recon with bonuses attached.

Is Force Recon Elite?

Whereas MARSOC is Special Operations Command’s (USSOCOM’s) newest unit, Force Recon is considered a “Special Operations Capable” unit that belongs exclusively to the Marine Corps. (Some would dispute this) but the Marine Corps has in the past been considered the US’ “elite” force.

How many pullups do Marines do?

Male/female pull-up standards (max/min)

Male Marine Pull-up Standards/Age
Age Group Minimum Maximum
17-20 4 20
21-25 5 23
26-30 5 23

What are the requirements to be a recon Marine?

Requirements of RECON Marines. You’ll need a score of 105 or higher on the general technical segment of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests. You need a first-class swimmer qualification and a first-class score on the physical fitness test.

What is the Marine Corps PFT test?

Physical Fitness Test The Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test, or PFT, evaluates stamina and physical conditioning. It includes 3 parts: pull-ups or push-ups, crunches or plank pose, and a 3-mile timed run. Pull-ups and push-ups are essential to building the upper body strength necessary to win battles.

How do I train for the Marine Corps PFT?

Practice getting a five-minute plank post to max the test. The Marine Corps PCP has two main components — the physical fitness test and the body composition program. Many PT programs to train for the Marine Corps PFT can be found in the following links:

How do you become a Force Recon member?

Its preparation includes extensive intelligence coursework, as well as intense physical training, particularly in swimming and other water maneuvers. Most Force RECON members begin their careers as ordinary Marines and must meet entry physical requirements demanded by the Corps, including weight-to-height standards.