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What is infrapatellar plica?

What is infrapatellar plica?

At arthroscopy a normal infrapatellar plica has a variable appearance. It is a thin, pliable fold of synovial tissue with elastic and areolar components. The infrapatel- lar plica may be a complete septum or may be partially attached to the anterior cruciate liga- ment.

What causes medial plica syndrome?

Plica syndrome is usually caused by stressing or overusing your knee. This is often caused by exercises that require you to frequently bend and straighten your knee, such as running, biking, or using a stair-climbing machine. An injury from an accident, such as a fall or car accident, can also cause plica syndrome.

How is medial plica syndrome diagnosed?

A definitive diagnosis of medial plica irritation is usually obtained by physical exam. A normal examination of the patellofemoral joint should always include an examination of the patient’s medial synovial plica fold to determine if they have any irritation of this structure.

What is medial synovial plica?

Medial synovial plicae are embryological structures that form within the knee. They are normal anatomical structures found within the joint capsule of the knee, appearing as thin, soft, and flexible structures that move with the knee during flexion and extension.

How do you know if you have plica syndrome?

Other common plica syndrome symptoms include: A swollen knee. A clicking or popping sound when bending or extending your knee. Pain that worsens after bending, squatting or climbing stairs.

Can plica come back?

Of note the plica may grow back after excision but is usually not symptomatic any longer. A plica is an embryonic remnant commonly present in the population. Normally it consists of a thin, vascular, pliable band of tissue that originates from the synovial wall and crosses the synovial joint.

What is plica removal?

What is plica resection? Plica resection is an arthroscopic knee surgery that involves removing abnormal synovial tissue. Plica are natural folds in the knee joint synovium that can often times become painful and inflamed.

How serious is plica syndrome?

Plica syndrome results in pain and swelling in the middle of your knee. It’s usually caused by stress or overuse. In most cases, plica syndrome can be treated successfully with medication and physical therapy, though some people may require surgery.