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Why do writers use compound-complex sentences?

Why do writers use compound-complex sentences?

Writing compound-complex sentences allows you a great deal of flexibility to explain how, why or when something happened. It’s important to understand which parts of the sentence are independent clauses and which are dependent clauses so that you can punctuate it correctly and avoid writing a run-on sentence.

What type of conjunction is still?

(B) Two independent clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb are separated by a semicolon. However, the writer still needs to insert a comma after the conjunctive adverb….

accordingly in fact
finally nevertheless
for example otherwise
further still
furthermore that is

What is the opposite of still?

What is the opposite of still?

restless clamorous
stormy thunderous
active angry
convulsive lively
rabid rip-roaring

What does principle mean?

A principle is a rule, a law, a guideline, or a fact. A principal is the headmaster of a school or a person who’s in charge of certain things in a company. Principal is also an adjective that means original, first, or most important.

What do you mean by words being still and moving?

Answer: “Still” — This is one of its meanings, and probably the simplest word to use here. “Stationary” — This word means the same thing, though it sounds a bit more formal. “Stopped” — This one implies that it had been moving at some point, which for all of your examples is most likely true.

What is the effect of complex sentences?

Using complex sentences can make it easier to add layers of information and detail when writing. Complex sentences have at least one subordinate clause that adds more detail and information to the sentence.

What is the word for not being able to move?

When something is immobile, it’s not going anywhere. Definitions of immobile. adjective. not capable of movement or of being moved. Synonyms: immovable, immoveable, stabile, unmovable.

Where do we use still?

We use still to show that something continues up to a time in the past, present or future. It goes in front of the main verb: Even when my father was 65, he still enjoyed playing tennis. It’s past midnight but she’s still doing her homework.

Where do you put still?

Still is used to say an action or situation continues to the present because it has not finished. It often refers to something happening for longer than expected. Notice the position of still before the verb or adjective. My grandfather is sixty-nine and he still works every day at the kiosk he owns.

What are 5 examples of subordinating conjunctions?

Some examples of such subordinating conjunctions are once, while, when, whenever, where, wherever, before, and after. Once Batman learned that Robin had not been wearing his seatbelt, he took away his keys to the Batmobile.

What does tranquility mean?

: the quality or state of being tranquil the tranquility of the quiet countryside.

What are the 7 subordinating conjunctions?

Here are some common subordinating conjunctions: after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, while.

Can you end a sentence with still?

Yes, you can put still at the end of a sentence.

What is the most important principle?

Our United States Constitution is based on certain basic concepts that include three primary principles: inherent rights, government by the people, and separation of powers. Self-government is the most important principle in the U.S. Constitution.

What does shackled mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to bind with shackles : fetter. b : to make fast with or as if with a shackle. 2 : to deprive of freedom especially of action by means of restrictions or handicaps : impede.

Can but and still be used together?

Yes, you can put two conjunctions together, but only if the first one is a coordinating conjunction (and, or, so, but, for, yet, nor) and the second one a subordinating conjunction (because, after, although, since, etc.). For example, but because and so although are correct, but not because but or although so.

How do complex sentences engage the reader?

The use of a variety of sentence structures including extended simple sentences and complex sentences create texts that are more interesting and paint a more vivid picture in the reader’s head. Students are able to confidently enhance their writing by understanding how sentences are structured for effect.

What is the purpose of a principle?

A principle is a proposition or value that is a guide for behavior or evaluation. In law, it is a rule that has to be or usually is to be followed, or can be desirably followed, or is an inevitable consequence of something, such as the laws observed in nature or the way that a system is constructed.

What is another word for still?

SYNONYMS FOR still 1 unmoving, inert, quiescent. 2 soundless, mute. 4 pacific, placid, serene. 8 quiet, hush, calm.

What is an example of a complex sentence?

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent and at least one dependent clause (sometimes called a subordinate clause). When these two types of clauses appear in a sentence, we create a complex sentence. Consider this example: I like to eat the candy before I watch a movie.

What is the still?

A still is an apparatus used to distill liquid mixtures by heating to selectively boil and then cooling to condense the vapor. A still uses the same concepts as a basic distillation apparatus, but on a much larger scale.

What is conjunction and example sentences?

Coordinating conjunctions like “and,” “nor,” or “so” link equal parts of a sentence, be it words, phrases, or independent clauses. For example: He was late for school, so he took a shortcut. Her favorite colors were purple and red. She doesn’t like coffee, nor does she like tea.