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Who wrote article 370?

Who wrote article 370?

Ayyangar was the chief drafter of Article 370 which granted local autonomy to the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

What was the third guard against tyranny?

check and balances

Why Indian Constitution is the longest constitution?

Indian Constitution is the longest written constitution in the world which originally had 395 articles, divided into 22 parts and 8 schedules. Our Constitution strikes a balance between rigidity and flexibility. The Parliament can make amendments to the Constitution as per the needs, according to Article 368.

How did the Constitution guard against tyranny conclusion?

In conclusion, the three main ways the Constitution protects against tyranny are Federalism, the division of government into three branches, the checks and balances and the regulation of power between the small and large states.

Why was Madison opposed to frequent changes to the Constitution?

Why was Madison opposed to frequent changes to the Constitution? He felt that the Constitution would gain authority the longer it went unchanged and that changing it too often could the country into factions.

How does federalism help prevent an abusive government?

Federalism limits government by creating two sovereign powers—the national government and state governments—thereby restraining the influence of both. Separation of powers imposes internal limits by dividing government against itself, giving different branches separate functions and forcing them to share power.

How did the Constitution guard against tyranny 5 paragraphs?

The Constitution guards us against tyranny by using checks and balances. (The Three Branches) should not be so far separated as to have no constitutional control over each other.” This basically means other branch checks on each other to make sure they have all the same amount of power.

How does federalism prevent tyranny?

Federalism guarded against tyranny by first dividing between two distinct governments. The portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate departments. Federalism gave powers to the central government. They gave powers to the states, and they shared powers together.

Why did they write the constitution?

A chief aim of the Constitution as drafted by the Convention was to create a government with enough power to act on a national level, but without so much power that fundamental rights would be at risk. The powers of each branch are enumerated in the Constitution, with powers not assigned to them reserved to the States.

Which country has no written constitution?

See Constitution of Israel. New Zealand: New Zealand has no single constitutional document. It is an uncodified constitution, sometimes referred to as an “unwritten constitution”, although the New Zealand constitution is in fact an amalgamation of written and unwritten sources.

Which is the oldest and smallest written constitution in the world?

What is the shortest and oldest written constitution in the world? The constitution of Monaco is the shortest constitution at 3812 words. However, Monaco is a small city state. The original United States constitution had approximately 4550 words, if signatures are included.

Which is the shortest written constitution in the world?

Vatican City

What if there was no constitution?

If there is no constitution, then there will be lack of rules and regulations. Justice will be denied to the people and a chaotic situation will prevail in the absence of laws because Constitution is the source of laws.In the absence of a Constitution it will be difficult for a country to sustain in the long run.

Why do we follow constitution after 70 years?

Some reasons for accepting the same Constitution till today are: The Constitution does not reflect the views of its members alone. It expresses a broad consensus of its time. The Constituent Assembly represented the people of India.

Why is the Indian Constitution criticized?

The critics have criticized the Constituent Assembly on various grounds. These are as follows: Not a Representative Body: The critics have argued that the Constituent Assembly was not a representative body as its members were not directly elected by the people of India based on the universal adult franchise.

What are some criticisms of the current constitution?

Some criticisms are length, wording, unclear organization, excessive detail, inflexiblity, and constant change.

Who wrote Constitution of India?

Prem Behari Narain Raizada

How was the Constitution criticized?

Some of the criticisms leveled against the composition and working of the Constituent assembly were as follows: The critics have criticised the Constituent Assembly on various grounds. Not a representative body – The members were not directly elected by the people of India on the basis of universal adult franchise.