Useful tips

What are the different areas of knowledge?

What are the different areas of knowledge?

There are 8 Areas of Knowledge, these are: Mathematics, the Natural Sciences, the Human Sciences, History, The Arts, Ethics, Religious Knowledge and Indigenous Knowledge. Each Area of Knowledge is a system.

How long should a TOK presentation be?

Presentation duration Approximately 10 minutes per presenter should be allowed, up to a maximum of approximately 30 minutes per group. Presentations should be scheduled to allow time for class discussion afterwards.

What is unique about the methodology of history compared to other areas of knowledge?

History, its object of study and its methodology. The object of historical study is very different in nature from other areas of knowledge. The fact that history is by its very nature not present anymore, makes this area of knowledge quite unique. Historians cannot observe anything from the past in real time.

What is knowledge art?

Knowledge in art is an understanding or the presence of an opinion about a piece of art in the knower. It is assumed that knowledge in art exists, though this knowledge may be implicit, particularly because there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to interpret a piece of art.

How do you structure a TOK presentation?

The TOK Presentation Structure

  1. Slide 1: Title Page (1 minute)
  2. Slide 2: Decontextualization (1 minute)
  3. Slide 3: Knowledge Question (1 minute)
  4. Slide 4: Development #1 (3.5 minutes)
  5. Slide 5: Development #2 (3.5 minutes)
  6. Slide 6: Development #3 (3.5 minutes)
  7. Slide 7: Conclusion (3 minutes)

Is technology an area of knowledge?

The Human sciences is a huge AOK, encompassing any discipline – psychology, economics, anthropology, etc. Mathematics is not only an area of knowledge in its own right, but forms the basis of many other fields that we consider in TOK, such as physics, economics, technology, and even music.

What is the purposes of art?

Art provides a means to express the imagination (things, places, ideas that are unreal or unknowable) in nongrammatic ways. Unlike words, which come in sequences,each of which has a definite meaning, art provides a range of forms, symbols and ideas with meanings that can be determined by the artist.

What is a TOK presentation?

TOK presentations are done to demonstrate that analysis of knowledge can have real-life applications and they are usually done by identifying a knowledge topic and exploring them using real-life situations. …

What knowledge can you gain from the arts?

10 important skills to learn from art education

  • Creativity. Creativity is an obvious but extremely important skill gained from art education.
  • Observation. Understanding various types of art takes fine-tuned observation.
  • Self-expression. Art is the obvious arena for self-expression.
  • Focus.
  • Discipline.
  • Perseverance.
  • Collaboration.
  • Risk-taking.

What is a real-life situation?

The real-life situation should be concrete and easily identifiable. It cannot be a broad topic (euthanasia, vegetarianism) but a specific event, experience or contemporary issue. They can be taken from your own experiences, interests or other subjects that you study.

Does reason lead to truth?

“The truth” is what, in principle, the process of human reasoning is converging to at the limit. “Reasoning” is the kind of discourse human beings engage in when they’re pondering the truth. One might think that reason is adaptive because it’s truth-tracking, but there are plausible alternative accounts.

What should be included in a TOK presentation?

10 Tips for a Good TOK Presentation

  1. Choose a good Real Life Situation.
  2. Create a reasonable knowledge question that is not too easy but not too hard.
  3. Use TOK terminology throughout the entire presentation.
  5. Include multiple perspectives.
  6. Structure your presentation coherently and establish a “flow”.

How is the Tok presentation graded?

In reality however, the basis for the grading of a TOK presentation is solely on the TOK ppd. The examiner is given 5 random TOK ppd forms (1 usually with a high predicted and 1 with a low) and he then needs to mark them.

What is wok and AOK?

AOKs. Areas of knowledge (AOKs) are specific branches of knowledge, each of which can be seen to have a distinct nature and different methods of gaining knowledge. TOK distinguishes between eight areas of knowledge.