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What are the 13 possessive pronouns?

What are the 13 possessive pronouns?

My, mine, your, yours, her, hers, his, its, our, ours, their, and theirs are possessive pronouns. Use my, your, her, our, and their before nouns.

What are the 7 pronouns?

There are seven types of pronouns that both English and English as a second language writers must recognize: the personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronoun, the interrogative pronoun, the relative pronoun, the indefinite pronoun, the reflexive pronoun, and the intensive pronoun.

What is difference between noun and pronoun?

They are the most common words used in English. Nouns are words that refer to specific things or people: for example, phones, umbrellas, or Nicki Minaj. Pronouns, on the other hand, stand in for a previous noun: the same word can refer to several different things. They include words like those, them, and he.

What is a proper pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns can be subjects of the sentence (I, he, she, it, you, we, they) or express possession (his, her, your, my, mine, yours, its, our, their, ours, theirs). Proper nouns are specific, capitalized nouns.

Is boy a noun or pronoun?

‘Boy’ in a sentence is a noun. A noun is a word that names something or someone. Since, boy refers to a male child or a young man, it is indeed a noun. A pronoun, on the other hand, is a word that substitutes a noun.

What is reflexive pronoun and examples?

Reflexive pronouns are words like myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves. They refer back to a person or thing. We often use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object of a verb are the same.

What is a pronoun and give examples?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Examples: he, she, it, they, someone, who. Pronouns can do all of the things that nouns can do. They can be subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, object of the preposition, and more.

What are the 10 types of adjectives?

According to this answer, the 10 types of adjectives are as follows:

  • Adjective of Quality.
  • Adjective of Quantity.
  • Adjective of Number.
  • Demonstrative Adjective.
  • Distributive Adjective.
  • Interrogative Adjective.
  • Possessive Adjective.
  • Emphasizing Adjective.

What is possessive pronoun and examples?

Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. The possessive pronouns are my, our, your, his, her, its, and their. There’s also an “independent” form of each of these pronouns: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs. Possessive pronouns are never spelled with apostrophes.

How do you identify a noun and a pronoun in a sentence?

A noun phrase can act as a subject or an object. In the sentence below, “ten of her friends from college” is a noun phrase that acts as the object of the verb invited. Rachel invited ten of her friends from college to her wedding. A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase.

Is someone’s possessive?

Someone’s can mean someone is or be the possessive form of someone. You can typically figure it out given the context. In your context it means someone is and it should be clear to most, if not all, native speakers. It is a standard form and entirely grammatical.

What is appropriate possessive pronoun?

Possessive pronouns include my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your and yours. Here are some basic examples of possessive pronouns used in sentences: The kids are yours and mine. The house is theirs and its paint is flaking.

What are the 11 types of pronoun?

Types of Pronoun

  • Personal pronouns. For example:
  • Demonstrative pronouns. For example:
  • Interrogative pronouns. For example:
  • Indefinite pronouns. For example:
  • Possessive pronouns. For example:
  • Reciprocal pronouns. For example:
  • Relative pronouns. For example:
  • Reflexive pronouns. For example:

How many types of possessive pronouns are there?

two types

What are the two types of possessive pronouns?

There are two types of possessive pronouns: The strong (or absolute) possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, and theirs….Providing Clarity.

Subject Pronoun Possessive (absolute) Possessive (adjective)
It Its Its
We Ours Our
They Theirs Their

How can you identify a proper noun?

A proper noun is the name given to something to make it more specific (e.g., Johnathan, Ollie, New York, Monday). Proper nouns are written with capital letters regardless of where they appear in a sentence. Proper nouns contrast with common nouns, which are the words for something (e.g., boy, dog, city, day).

What are the types of personal pronouns?

English has four types of personal pronouns that refer to specific persons, places, or things: subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, and possessive adjectives.

What kind of pronoun is mine?

Other Types of Pronoun

Pronoun Type Members of the Subclass
Possessive mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
Reflexive myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Reciprocal each other, one another
Relative that, which, who, whose, whom, where, when

What are the example sentences of personal pronouns?

The word “he” is an example of a personal pronoun. He is third person (because he is the person being spoken about), singular, and masculine….Examples of Personal Pronouns

  • You need to stop lying to me.
  • We would love for you to join us.
  • Come look at my cat! He has climbed to the top of that tree.

What are the 10 types of pronoun?

10 Types of Pronouns in Grammar. Personal Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Emphatic Pronouns, Reciprocal Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns, Indefinite Pronouns, Interrogative Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Distributive Pronouns, Exclamatory Pronouns.

How do you identify a pronoun in a sentence?

RULE: Pronouns have three cases: nominative (I, you, he, she, it, they), possessive (my, your, his, her, their), and objective (me, him, her, him, us, them). Use the nominative case when the pronoun is the subject of your sentence, and remember the rule of manners: always put the other person’s name first!

How do you identify a possessive pronoun?

Possessive pronouns describe what things belong to which people, like “her shoe” or “the book is mine.” Possessive pronouns can be adjectives, like “his bicycle,” or they can stand in for nouns, like “the seats are theirs.” Neither of these forms should have apostrophes to show possession — so it’s ours (not our’s) …

What is a pronoun word list?

Pronouns are classified as personal (I, we, you, he, she, it, they), demonstrative (this, these, that, those), relative (who, which, that, as), indefinite (each, all, everyone, either, one, both, any, such, somebody), interrogative (who, which, what), reflexive (myself, herself), possessive (mine, yours, his, hers.

What is personal and possessive pronouns?

We use personal pronouns (I, me, he, him, etc.) to replace names or nouns when it is clear what they refer to. We use possessives (my, your, her) when it is not necessary to name the person the thing belongs to. We use personal pronouns to avoid repeating nouns.