
How hard is it to type 100 wpm?

How hard is it to type 100 wpm?

60 wpm: This is the speed required for most high-end typing jobs. You can now be a professional typist! 70 wpm: You are way above average! 100 wpm or more: You are in the top 1% of typists!

What is the average wpm for a 12 year old?

120 wpm

Who is the fastest 13 year old typer?

Abhishek Jain

What is the average wpm for a 21 year old?

92 WPM

How many pages can the average person write in an hour?


How fast should a 7th grader type?

5 words per minute

How long does it take to type 50 pages?

about 10.4 hours

How fast should a 16 year old type?

Thanks to the development of typing programs and how schools implement keyboarding classes, average Typing Speed has now increased to 35 – 45 wpm. For exemplary touch typists, one may need to reach 46 or above wpm. There are some people who can actually type as fast as 90–120 wpm.

Is 30 wpm good for a 12 year old?

However, 12-year-olds usually type from 30–50. So if you’re in between that you’re okay. If you can type faster than that, I am proud of you. If you want to get better, you have to practice.

What is the average wpm for a 14 year old?

45 wpm

Is it possible to type 200 wpm?

It is possible, but very hard to average 200 wpm. Not very common, but I bet there is a handful that can peak 200. Sean Wrona has achieved it. If you have memorized a text or given a short text with very common words, you can.

How much time does it take to type 100 pages?

about 20.8 hours

How fast should a 11 year old type?

For that young age, average speed would be 25 WPM.

How many wpm is 7000 keystrokes per hour?

So 7,000 keystrokes ~=1167 words. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 7000 KPS ~= 20 WPM. Using 5 keystrokes per word, you get 1400 words/hour which is 23-24 WPM.

How do you hit 150 wpm?

How to type faster – 150+ wpm average

  1. Make sure you can type the weird symbols like hyphen, quotation marks, exclamation points, parentheses, and numbers.
  2. Make sure your fingering is logical.
  3. You need to slow down in order to speed up: If you do not have 1 and 2 down, make sure you slow down when practicing these things.
  4. Custom fingering.

Is 100 wpm good for a 13 year old?

below 30 words per min (wpm) would be a learner’s speed. 30–35 wpm will be considered slow. 35–40 will be an average typist. 40–45 will be above average or a good typist.

Is it possible to type 150 wpm?

A good typing speed for most people is 40 words per minute or over. Believe it or not, it’s 150 words per minute, and that was measured over a sustained period. When given a shorter time frame, our world-record typist could reach a speed of 212 words per minute.

How many keystrokes is 50 wpm?

50 wpm = 12,500 kph.

What is the average reading wpm for a 13 year old?

Average Reading Speed by Age and Grade Level

Grade Level and Age Words-Per-Minute
4th Grade (Spring) 9-10 years old 123 – 180 wpm
5h Grade (Spring) 10-11 years old 139 – 194 wpm
6th-8th Grade (Spring) 11, 12, 13, 14 years old 150 – 204 wpm
Highschool 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old 200 – 300 wpm

Is Typing 90 wpm good?

This means that, on average, a good typist has an average typing accuracy of 92 percent. With your average range being from 65 to 90 wpm, you are already thoroughly qualified for either kind of job, since on average they require a typing speed of 65 wpm.

Is typing 120 wpm fast?

An average professional typist types usually in speeds of 50 to 80 wpm, while some positions can require 80 to 95 (usually the minimum required for dispatch positions and other time-sensitive typing jobs), and some advanced typists work at speeds above 120 wpm.