
How do you appreciate students performance?

How do you appreciate students performance?

101 Ways To Say “Very Good!”

  1. I’m happy to see you working like that.
  2. You’ve just about mastered that.
  3. You’re really working hard today.
  4. I’m proud of the way you worked today.
  5. That’s the best you’ve ever done.
  6. You’re doing that much better.
  7. Keep working on it. You’re good.
  8. Couldn’t have done it better myself.

Is being well-spoken attractive?

being articulate and well-spoken goes beyond having a nice voice, but it certainly does matter. its okay. but if you have an accent thats attractive too because it adds personality. Speaking slowly and having a deep voice would be great though.

What is another word for a good speaker?

An orator. The definition is a public speaker, particularly one who is skilled and forceful with their words.

What is a conclusion in an outline?

A conclusion is the last paragraph in your research paper, or the last part in any other type of presentation. A conclusion is, in some ways, like your introduction. You restate your thesis and summarize your main points of evidence for the reader. You can usually do this in one paragraph.

How do you describe someone who speaks well?

Someone who is able to speak (not speech, “speech” is the noun) very well and uses words effectively to influence people could be said to be persuasive. A colloquial adjective: silver-tongued.

How do you describe someone who is well spoken?

Well-spoken Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for well-spoken?

articulate eloquent
coherent polite
posh-sounding nicely spoken
expressive persuasive
smooth-tongued communicative

What’s the word for not being able to talk properly?

See definition of inarticulate on adj.unable to speak well.

What do you call someone who thinks they are always right?

narcissist: a person who admires himself or herself too much, especially their appearance. A person who admires himself too much think that they are always right.