
Where does the name go on an essay?

Where does the name go on an essay?

Your Name, Professor’s Name, Class Name, and Date should double-spaced on the first page of your paper in the upper left-hand corner, with a 1-inch margin from the top and left sides.

How do you express beautiful scenery?

Here are some adjectives for scenery: illusory underwater, richest woodland, enchanting woodland, changingly dull, european woodland, perpetual and such, dreamy and exquisite, handsome supernatural, strong, desolate, sublime or rugged, specially vivid and delightful, thy picturesque, peculiarly grand and sublime.

How do you describe a location?

Try these 6 tips:Describe place through characters’ senses. Include time period in description. Include small-scale changes in time. Show how characters feel about your setting. Keep setting description relevant to the story. Make a list of adjectives to describe your story locations.

How do you describe a good location?

Adjectives that Describe Places – Intermediate Vocabularyancient – a place that has a long history. beautiful – very pleasing on the eye. boring – dull and not very interesting. bustling – a crowded, busy place. charming – nice, very pleasing. contemporary – modern, very up to date.