
What does Gatsby say about himself?

What does Gatsby say about himself?

Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. As the novel progresses and Fitzgerald deconstructs Gatsby’s self-presentation, Gatsby reveals himself to be an innocent, hopeful young man who stakes everything on his dreams, not realizing that his dreams are unworthy of him.

What does Gatsby do that makes Nick want to get up and slap him on the back?

What does Gatsby do that makes Nick want “to get up and slap him on the back”? Gatsby explains how he attended Oxford as an officers privilege to attend any college he wanted in England or France after Armistice. Gatsby says he only stayed at Oxford for 5 months, so he wouldn’t consider himself to be an Oxford man.

Why was Gatsby surprised for Daisy’s child?

Gatsby view Daisy’s child with surprise because he realizes that if he wants to be with Daisy he has to consider her children who aren’t by him into consideration and take not only her in but also her kids in if he wants to be with her.

How does Nick View Daisy and Tom’s relationship?

What is the true relationship between Daisy and Tom? They are birds of a feather. Daisy is a fairly weak person and tom is very domineering but they are both “careless” people. Neither one takes responsbility for his own actions.