Users' questions

How can I help my child with mental retardation?

How can I help my child with mental retardation?

Steps to help your intellectually disabled child include:

  1. Learn everything you can about intellectual disabilities.
  2. Encourage your child’s independence.
  3. Get your child involved in group activities.
  4. Stay involved.
  5. Get to know other parents of intellectually disabled children.

How do you parent a child with mild intellectual disability?

Encourage independence in your child. For example, help your child learn daily care skills, such as dressing, feeding him or herself, using the bathroom, and grooming. Give your child chores. Keep her age, attention span, and abilities in mind.

How do I help my son with intellectual disability?

Tips for dealing with your child’s learning disability

  1. Keep things in perspective. A learning disability isn’t insurmountable.
  2. Become your own expert.
  3. Be an advocate for your child.
  4. Remember that your influence outweighs all others.
  5. Clarify your goals.
  6. Be a good listener.
  7. Offer new solutions.
  8. Keep the focus.

Is there any treatment for mental retardation?

The treatment of mental retardation is predominantly nonmedical. It involves education to achieve maximal learning potential, habilitation, vocational training, and normalization of social and recreational activities. Most children and adults do not have medically identifiable causes for their mental retardation.

What challenges face the parents of a child with a disability?

Among the many challenges are: Learning about the disability….The emotional impact is enormous and may include:

  • Fear and worry about: Your child’s pain and suffering.
  • Guilt over: The limits of your ability to protect the child.
  • Feelings of isolation because you:
  • Grief over:

Can a child outgrow intellectual disability?

Intellectual disability is not a disease and cannot be cured, however early diagnosis and ongoing interventions can improve adaptive functioning throughout one’s childhood and into adulthood.

Can a person with mental retardation live alone?

Absolutely. Of course a person, even with a serious mental illness, can live alone.

Can a child grow out of a learning disability?

Learning disabilities affect everyone They can run in families. They are not generally treatable via medicine. Those with learning disabilities have average to above average intelligence, yet 20 percent of students with a learning disability drop out of school. You do not grow out of a learning disability.

Does mental illness come from the mother or father?

Mental illness may run in families, but it doesn’t mean that you or someone in your family will definitely become unwell. If you have a family history of mental illness it can still help to take good care of your mental health. There are things you can do to look after your mental health.