
How do you insult someone politely in French?

How do you insult someone politely in French?

The nine very best French insults (for use when you’re very, very…

  1. Chiant/e. So let’s start gently with a relatively mild insult.
  2. Relou.
  3. Ta guele!
  4. Vénère.
  5. Tu m’emmerdes.
  6. Faux cul.
  7. Raclure de bidet.
  8. Merde/connard/salope and . . .

What should you not say to a French person?

We’ve both put our pieds in our mouths at a few dinner parties, so take it from us and avoid these topics:

  • “You’re French?
  • “Your accent is sooooo cute!”
  • “Ew, you eat that?”
  • “So, what do you do for a living?”
  • “I love your home/car/bag, it’s so nice.
  • “Everyone knows French people don’t like to work.”

How do French people get angry?

You may annoy French people if you:

  1. Mistake France for Paris. There’s a lot more to this country than just Paris.
  2. Think they’re all geography experts.
  3. Expect them to understand your French accent.
  4. Keep reminding them about their French accent.
  5. Leave the stereotypes alone.

What are some common French phrases?

Common French Phrases for Conversation

  • Bonjour! ( Good morning, hello)
  • Bienvenue. (Welcome.)
  • Madame/Monsieur/Mademoiselle (Mrs. / Mr. /
  • Pardon, excusez-moi. (Pardon, excuse me.)
  • Parlez-vous anglais? (Do you speak English?)
  • Je ne parle pas français. (I do not speak French.)
  • À tout à l’heure!
  • Merci/Merci beaucoup.

What is a curse word in French?

Putain is your all purpose French swear word. You know how some English speakers love to use the F-word? They will use it to express emotions ranging from happiness to pain to anger and anything in between. Well, putain is its French swear word equivalent.

Do the French say je voudrais?

The only people you’ll hear using “voudrais” these days are foreigners eager to put their high school/college/Duolingo French to good use. In proper written French, the ne is definitely obligatory, so be sure you’re only using this while speaking.

Are French people mean?

No, French people are not especially mean. I will start by noting that my experience may be different from other people’s experiences. I have been to France quite a few times; I speak French moderately well; and my wife (who is not French) has cousins in Paris whom we adore. No, French people are not especially mean.

Do you want to go to bed with me French?

The French translation for “Do you want to sleep with me?” is Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?.

Do comebacks and insults really work?

These really funny comebacks and insults definitely work because they’re the best burn jokes you’ll find. Maybe some will say these comebacks are rude, but I think they’re perfect for the occasion.

What is a good insult to say in French?

A very popular insult in France is “ Casse-toi! ” It literally translates to “break yourself”, but as you may be able to tell, is really telling someone off. 19. Plouc – Country bumpkin If you have watched Netflix’s Emily in Paris, you have heard this word before.

Are there any good comebacks to comebacks?

The best comebacks taste as sweet as revenge when used appropriately, but we know how hard witty comebacks are to come up with when you’re put on the spot. To help you come up with some sick burns, roasts and funny comebacks you can use in the heat of battle, we’ve come up with 100 good comebacks.

What are some common insults that will help you?

Here are few common insults that will help you. This literally means “You’re just a little waster who is good at nothing”. This is appropriate for angry bosses with their employees or fathers who are upset at their lazy teenage children. This literally means “I’m going to hit you in the mouth so hard that you’ll spit out all your teeth”.