
How do I pass Tok?

How do I pass Tok?

10 Tips for a Good TOK PresentationChoose a good Real Life Situation. Create a reasonable knowledge question that is not too easy but not too hard. Use TOK terminology throughout the entire presentation. DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOUR REAL LIFE EXAMPLE TOO MUCH. Include multiple perspectives. Structure your presentation coherently and establish a flow.

How do you choose a topic for a TOK presentation?

The topic should be presented as a question that is not easily answered with a Yes/No statement. In other words, the goal is not to find answers but to evoke more questions before you can get the answer. They usually start with “to what extent …” and invoke one or more WOK or AOK. The topic should be a debatable one.

How do you structure a TOK presentation?

The TOK Presentation StructureSlide 1: Title Page (1 minute)Slide 2: Decontextualization (1 minute)Slide 3: Knowledge Question (1 minute)Slide 4: Development #1 (3.5 minutes)Slide 5: Development #2 (3.5 minutes)Slide 6: Development #3 (3.5 minutes)Slide 7: Conclusion (3 minutes)

What are other ways of knowing?

A Framework for Understanding This theory categorizes four interdependent ways of knowing: experiential knowing, presentational knowing, propositional knowing, and practical knowing. This theory has been useful in thinking about the wisdom that is critical to harness to effect meaningful social change.

What are the differences among the women’s ways of knowing?

Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, and Tarule (1986) identified five ways of knowing in women: silent, received, subjective, procedural, and constructed. Neither women nor men relied on received knowing; women used subjective knowing more than men did, while the opposite was true for procedural knowing.