
Do you have to take the GRE for vet school?

Do you have to take the GRE for vet school?

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required by most veterinary schools, and some also require the Biology GRE. The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is also accepted by some schools in place of the GRE. Find out where you can take the exam and what preparation you need to succeed.

What GRE score do I need for vet school?

Know What Score you Need. According to Admissions Consultant, the average GRE scores for vet school ranges from 150-160 for qualitative and 151-160 for verbal. Some schools have higher average scores than others, but most AVMA accredited schools have averages in the middle of those ranges.

How important is a good GRE score?

Well, just like a grade-point-average (GPA), the GRE scores provide an objective indicator of an applicant’s academic aptitudes. But unlike the GPA, the GRE scores can be used to compare applicants of different socio-educational backgrounds, regardless of which college or university they have attended.

Does your GRE score really matter?

Generally GRE scores are important but as someone has said more important if you score low than high. Some places automatically do not consider applications with low GREs, some don’t. For physical sciences and math, GRE scores below 700 or even 750 would be considered low. A lot depends on a lot.

How many hours a day should you study for the GRE?

This means the amount of studying for the GRE could range roughly from eight hours (studying two hours a week for four weeks) to 120 hours (studying ten hours a week for 12 weeks).