
How do I check for mistakes in Word?

How do I check for mistakes in Word?

To start a check of the spelling and grammar in your file just press F7 or follow these steps:Open most Office programs, click the Review tab on the ribbon. Click Spelling or Spelling & Grammar.If the program finds spelling mistakes, a dialog box appears with the first misspelled word found by the spelling checker.

Why is Grammarly not working?

There are a few reasons Grammarly for Chrome may not work on a web page. For example, the page may not be supported by the extension, or a text box may be incompatible or have incompatible dimensions. Right-click on the text box where the extension isn’t working and click Inspect.

Is Grammarly Chinese app?

Grammarly is an American-based technology company that offers a digital writing assistance tool based on artificial intelligence and natural language processing. The software was first released in July 2009 in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Can you change Grammarly to English?

Open Grammarly from the app menu on your mobile phone and tap “Grammarly Settings.” Next, tap “Language Preference” and choose your preferred setting.