
How do you cancel Planet Fitness membership?

How do you cancel Planet Fitness membership?

You can fill out a cancellation form at the front desk of your home club, or send a letter (preferably via certified mail) to your club requesting cancellation. Memberships can’t, unfortunately, be cancelled by email or phone.

How do I cancel my Planet Fitness annual fee?

How to avoid Planet Fitness annual fee

  1. To avoid your annual fee, you have to cancel your membership one week or earlier from the date of the annual fee.
  2. You cannot cancel your membership by phone or email.

Is it free to workout at Planet Fitness?

Say hello at the front desk. If you haven’t already, our team members will take your picture for your member profile. Sign up for one of the free fitness training sessions at the front desk. Using any piece of equipment as long as you like!

Do you have to be fully vaccinated to go to the gym?

All customers who are admitted to the indoor portions of a gym, fitness center and other exercise facility located in the city of Los Angeles must show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 prior to entry.

Is it hard to cancel Planet Fitness membership?

Memberships can’t, unfortunately, be cancelled by email or phone. But if you must, the process is easy. You can fill out a cancellation form at the front desk of your home club, or send a letter (preferably via certified mail) to your club requesting cancellation.

Why does Planet Fitness make it so hard to cancel?

“Gym memberships are notoriously hard to quit because most gym clubs do not want to allow the member to cancel their contract once they realize the hard work and commitment involved in becoming fit,” says attorney, David Reischer, Esq. “It’s important to read the entire contract before signing.”

What happens if you cancel Planet Fitness membership before annual fee?

If you signed up for a no commitment or have been a member for longer than a year, there is no fee. If you manage to catch a deal and pay a year in advance, you’re out the money. You have to either go into your home gym and cancel in person, or send a letter.

Can I freeze my Planet Fitness membership?

There are two ways to freeze gym membership; customers can visit the club in person or cancel membership through a certified letter. Sometimes, the fitness club may take a long time to confirm your cancellation request.

Can I lie about my age for Planet Fitness?

If you are less than 18 years old, you may not use the Site or the Services without prior permission and supervision of your legal guardians. Planet Fitness does not accept members under the age of 13 and does not knowingly collect information from anyone under the age of 13.

Can you pay a day at Planet Fitness?

The day fee is the fee a non-member/non PF Black Card® guest pays for use of the gym for one day. The day fee allows potential members to try the facility before committing to a membership.