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Is it normal to get red dots after shaving your pubes?

Is it normal to get red dots after shaving your pubes?

If you’ve recently shaved your vulva or labia — the exterior skin in the genital area — and have an unexplained itchiness, you might be dealing with razor burn. Razor burn will usually appear as a red rash. You may also develop one or more red bumps.

How do you shave your pubes without getting red spots?

Condition the area with an all-natural shaving cream or a hair conditioner prior to shaving. Use one that’s specifically formulated for sensitive skin. Don’t use your shower gel lather or bar soap on the hair you’re trying to shave. Stretch your skin taut and shave in the direction that your hair grows.

How do you get rid of redness after shaving pubic hair?


  1. Use a cool compress: Applying a cool compress to the affected area could help reduce skin swelling and soothe razor burn.
  2. Soak in a warm bath: Taking a warm bath may open up the pores and relieve swelling and skin irritation.

What does it mean when you have red dots on your pubes?

In some cases, red spots may result from poor hygiene or a minor irritation. These spots typically disappear in a day or two. Red spots that develop as a result of something more serious, such as a sexually transmitted infection (STI), typically last longer and are accompanied by other symptoms.

How long does razor burn last on pubic area?

Razor burn typically lasts around two to three days. Properly treating the affected area can help relieve symptoms more quickly. Some options for this include cold compresses, applying aloe vera, and using emollient creams or lotions.

How do you stop shaving rash on privates?

How to prevent razor bumps

  1. cleansing and exfoliating the skin in the pubic area.
  2. removing the hair after having a bath or shower or placing a warm, wet towel on the pubic area.
  3. using an appropriate shaving cream, shaving gel, or waxing product.
  4. avoiding skin care products containing ingredients that may irritate the skin.

How do you stop a shaving rash?

Razor Burn Prevention

  1. Shave when your skin is clean, wet, and warm.
  2. Apply a shaving gel or cream to the area. Look for a gentle product that won’t irritate your skin.
  3. Shave in the direction that hair grows.
  4. Rinse your razor after each application to remove buildup.
  5. Store razors in a dry area and replace often.