Users' questions

How do I insert a line break in WordPress code?

How do I insert a line break in WordPress code?

The Simple Way to Add Line Breaks to WordPress An easy option is to just hold the shift button and click enter. This will push your text to the next line as you’re typing (as opposed to clicking enter which would just create a new paragraph). A quick & easy solution! Note: this will only work for one line break.

How do I insert a line break in HTML?

In HTML, the element creates a line break. You can add it wherever you want text to end on the current line and resume on the next. The HTML line break element can be used to display poems, song lyrics, or other forms of content in which the division of lines is significant.

What is Br in WordPress?

Simply switch to the HTML mode in your editor and manually add a line break with the following HTML code: (“br” stands for “break” – easy enough to remember) *** Sometimes you may even need to add two line breaks, depending on how well your WordPress editor is obeying you.

How do I use spacer plugins in WordPress?


  1. From WP admin > Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search “Spacer” under search and hit Enter.
  3. Click “Install Now”
  4. Click the Activate Plugin link.

How do I add a line in WordPress?

WordPress has a convenient shortcut command so that you can keep on typing. To create a line, simply type “—” on an empty text line. Then, hit “Enter” on your keyboard. When you hit “Enter,” the three dashes will transform into a horizontal line.

How do I change the spacer in WordPress?

Block Settings Panel If you do not see the sidebar, click the ‘cog’ icon next to the Publish or Update button. On this tab, you can adjust the height (in pixels) of the space you want to add by either typing the number or clicking on the up and down arrows to make the height bigger or smaller respectively.

How do I add a space between two columns in WordPress?

Adjusting the column gap

  1. Select the section you want to change/remove the gap from columns of it, so that a dashboard on the left will emerge with the section’s settings.
  2. In the Layout tab, look for the Columns Gap option.
  3. If you want to remove the gap entirely from all columns of the section, select No Gap.

How do I add a line between paragraphs in WordPress?

Shift+Enter – Use the Shift Key and Enter Key for a single space between lines and avoid a paragraph (double line spacing). The Enter key is used as a way of saying “new paragraph.” The Shift–Enter combination is used in WordPress as a way of saying “new line, not new paragraph.