
What is a sentence for Doomed?

What is a sentence for Doomed?

Doomed Sentence Examples He was doomed any way he looked at things. I don’t dispute the cliché, “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” He knew without looking the remaining guards were doomed or dead. She was doomed to fall for men unable to commit to her!

What is a another word for Doomed?

ill-fated, ill-starred, ill-omened, star-crossed, under a curse, cursed, jinxed, foredoomed, hapless, damned, bedevilled, luckless, unlucky. Scottish fey.

What does doomed mean in text?

Someone or something that is doomed is certain to fail or be destroyed.

How do you use mellow in a sentence?

Examples of mellow in a Sentence This wine is very mellow. He was in a mellow mood. She was a tough and demanding teacher, but she became mellower in her old age. He’s a very mellow guy.

Are we doomed meaning?

If something is doomed to happen, or if you are doomed to a particular state, something unpleasant is certain to happen, and you can do nothing to prevent it. Their plans seemed doomed to failure. [

What is the opposite meaning of doomed?

Antonyms: live, saved, uncertain, alive(p), fortunate. Synonyms: ill-fated, ill-omened, unlucky, damned, unsaved, fated, unredeemed, cursed, ill-starred.

What’s the opposite of doomed?

What is the opposite of doomed?

avoidable distant
remote unscheduled

What is the meaning of the word doomed?

Definition of ‘doomed’. doomed. If something is doomed to happen, or if you are doomed to a particular state, something unpleasant is certain to happen, and you can do nothing to prevent it.

What does doomed to spend the war as a prisoner mean?

He knew that if he lived, he would be doomed to spend the war as a prisoner. Someone or something that is doomed is certain to fail or be destroyed . Fireman battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children.

Was silenced the Prophet doomed?

But although silenced the prophet was doomed, and the folly of his disciples precipitated his fate. Five times king and emperor as he was, Frederick, placed under the ban of the church, led henceforth a doomed existence. The Hebrew state was doomed and even its temple was to be destroyed.

Why did the doomed men not struggle or cry?

The doomed men neither struggled nor cried, for fatalism is an anodyne as well as an explosive. They know that some one must lead in every attack, and that such leaders would be doomed to death. A man who is damned by the village-priest or the Brahmin kulkarni is doomed for good.