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How was education different in Athens and Sparta?

How was education different in Athens and Sparta?

In Athens, boys received a well-rounded education, but girls were only taught household chores. In Sparta, both boys and girls received physical training to stay fit. Spartan boys received a military education and training for many years.

What was education in ancient Greece like?

Education in Ancient Greece Greek boys went to school, but girls did not. Girls in wealthier families might have been taught to read but, most stayed at home and learned how to do housework. In Sparta, for example, girls had more freedom and they were taught how to fight. Boys started school at the age of seven.

How was education in Sparta?

Spartan education was built around the need for a strong military. While boys were taught how to survive as a soldier, girls were also educated so that they could produce strong offspring. Above all else, it was a respectful society where everyone was taught respect for the individual.

Why was education important in ancient Greece?

In all the Greek city-states, except for Sparta, the purpose of education was to produce good citizens. Children were trained in music, art, literature, science, math, and politics. In Athens, for example, boys were taught at home until they were about six years old.

What is education in Sparta?

What was school like in Sparta?

Education in Sparta was completely different. The purpose of education in Sparta was to produce and maintain a powerful army. Sparta boys entered military school when they were about six years old. They learned how to read and write, but those skills were not considered very important except for messages.

How important was education in ancient Greece?

Education was an essential component of a person’s identity. Formal Greek education was primarily for males and non-slaves. In some poleis, laws were passed to prohibit the education of slaves. The Spartans also taught music and dance, but with the purpose of enhancing their maneuverability as soldiers.

How does education in Sparta reflect what is important?

The purpose of education in Sparta was to produce and maintain a powerful army. Sparta boys entered military school when they were about six years old. They learned how to read and write, but those skills were not considered very important except for messages. … Spartan girls went to school to learn to be warriors.

What was the major emphasis of education in Sparta?

What was the major emphasis of Spartan education? They emphasized being tough, discipline, obedience, strength, and military skill.

How is the education in Greece?

The Greek educational system is divided into three levels, namely primary, secondary and tertiary, with an additional post-secondary level providing vocational training. Education in Greece, including pre-school, primary and lower secondary education, is compulsory for all children 6 to 15 years old.

Is education in Greece good?

19/04/2018 – With a qualified and well-engaged teacher workforce, motivated 15-year-old students with a strong sense of school belonging, and one of the lowest dropout rates across the European Union, Greece is well placed to build a strong and inclusive education system.