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What is a radioactive substance BBC Bitesize?

What is a radioactive substance BBC Bitesize?

Radioactive materials are hazardous. Nuclear radiation can ionise atoms and molecules in the body, which may change the way cells behave. It can also transfer large amounts of energy into the body which can damage or destroy cells.

What is a radioactive substance?

Radionuclides (or radioactive materials) are a class of chemicals where the nucleus of the atom is unstable. This process is called radioactive decay or transformation, and often is followed by the release of ionizing radiation (beta particles, neutrons, or gamma rays).

What are the dangers of radioactive materials?

Exposure to large amounts of radioactivity can cause nausea, vomiting, hair loss, diarrhea, hemorrhage, destruction of the intestinal lining, central nervous system damage, and death. It also causes DNA damage and raises the risk of cancer, particularly in young children and fetuses.

What are radioactive isotopes GCSE?

The different types of chlorine are called isotopes . Isotopes are forms of an element that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Carbon has three isotopes: 6 12 C , 6 13 C and 6 14 C . They have the same mass number but if the number of protons is different, they are different elements.

How does radiotherapy work BBC Bitesize?

Radiotherapy: killing cancerous tumours It is administered in two main ways: from outside the body using X-rays or gamma rays from radioactive cobalt; from inside the body by putting radioactive materials into the tumour, or close to it.

What is radiation science GCSE?

Exposing objects to beams of radiation is called irradiation . The term applies to all types of radiation including radiation from the nuclei of atoms .

What are the examples of radioactive substance?

The following radioactive elements are found naturally in the environment.

  • Alpha Radiation. Alpha radiation is a type of energy released when certain radioactive elements decay or break down.
  • Uranium. Uranium is a radioactive element that can be found in soil, air, water, rocks, plants and food.
  • Radium.
  • Radon.
  • Polonium.

Why are some substances radioactive?

A number of elements have atoms or nuclei which are unstable and consequently split up to form smaller atoms. A substance is said to be radioactive if it contains unstable nuclei and is able to naturally release energy in the process of shedding high speed charged particles, in an attempt to reach a stable state.

What is radioactive contamination GCSE?

Contamination. Occurs when an object is exposed to a source of radiation outside the object. Occurs if the radioactive source is on or in the object. Doesn’t cause the object to become radioactive. A contaminated object will be radioactive for as long as the source is on or in it.

What is beta radiation BBC Bitesize?

Beta radiation consists of high energy electrons emitted from the nucleus. These electrons have not come from the electron shells or energy levels around the nucleus. Instead, they form when a neutron splits into a proton and an electron.