Users' questions

Can Alteryx publish to Tableau Server?

Can Alteryx publish to Tableau Server?

Use the Publish to Tableau Server tool to publish an Alteryx data stream as either a Tableau Hyper data extract (. hyper) or Tableau data extract (. tde) file. The Publish to Tableau Server tool is now delivered with Designer.

How do I connect Tableau Server to Alteryx?

Use the Tableau Loader to upload metadata to Alteryx Connect for Tableau reports located in a specified Tableau server….View the Metadata

  1. Go to the Alteryx Connect URL and log in.
  2. From the main menu, select Reports > Tableau.
  3. Select a folder to view its contents.

How do I push data from Alteryx to Tableau?

Make sure the tool is up-to-date! Visit the Publish to Tableau Server tool’s Gallery page by going to and navigating to the Macro District, or by going directly to this link. Then, check the version of the tool by right-clicking on it, and clicking “Open Macro: Publish To Tableau Server.

How do I publish to Alteryx Server?

Publish a Workflow Version in Designer

  1. Select File > Save.
  2. Under Workflow Options the Publish this version of the workflow option is checked by default.
  3. Select Save.

How do I create a Tableau extract in Alteryx?

How to create a Tableau Hyper file in Alteryx. The Alteryx Output data tool has the option to output to a Tableau Data Extract (TDE) or a Hyper file. Just select your data, drag in an Output tool and set the file type to be Hyper or Tableau Data Extract (tde).

How do I publish a Tableau Server?

In Tableau Desktop, open the workbook you want to publish. Select Server > Publish Workbook. If the Publish Workbook option does not appear on the Server menu, make sure a worksheet or dashboard tab is active (not the Data Source tab). If necessary, sign in to a server.

Can Alteryx pull data from Tableau Server?

Use the Tableau Loader to upload metadata to Alteryx Connect for Tableau reports located in a specified Tableau server. Tableau Online is not currently supported.

Can Alteryx pull from Tableau?

Alteryx-blended datasets convert into Tableau data extracts painlessly, which means perfected data is easily fed to Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, or Tableau Online — and that means the right people are seeing valuable data, faster.

How do I add Alteryx workflow to my server?

To upload a workflow to Alteryx server first connect to the server through Options > Manage Server Credentials and then completing the login to the server using the correct URL.

How do I deploy Alteryx workflow?

Deploy Tool

  1. Establish an Alteryx Promote Connection. There are 2 options:
  2. To deploy a model with the same name as a model in the Promote platform, select Overwrite existing model. This updates the model version to your current deployment.
  3. Run the workflow to deploy the model to the Promote server.

Can Tableau open Alteryx database?

Tableau Prep/Desktop/Server should be able to read native Alteryx . yxdb files. Currently there is no compressed data file that is able to be read or written by Alteryx and read by Tableau.