
Is Walden difficult to read?

Is Walden difficult to read?

Thoreau wants his book to be difficult – but not incomprehensible. Luckily, there’s a good dose of humor mixed in, mainly directed at Thoreau himself, as well as lush descriptions of natural beauty to break up the more philosophical prose.

What is the main point of Walden?

Walden is viewed not only as a philosophical treatise on labour, leisure, self-reliance, and individualism but also as an influential piece of nature writing. It is considered Thoreau’s masterwork.

Why does Henry David Thoreau write his book Walden?

The book Walden began as an answer to the inquiry of his neighbors about his life in the woods. As with his other works, Thoreau kept journal entries throughout his experiment with the intent of developing them into lectures and a book. He wrote the first draft of Walden while living in his house by the pond.

What is the alternative title of Walden?


Original title page of Walden featuring a picture drawn by Thoreau’s sister Sophia
Author Henry David Thoreau
Original title Walden; or, Life in the Woods
Country United States
Language English

Why does Thoreau leave the woods?

The reason he decides to leave is he felt as he had several more lives to live and could not waste any more time.

What is the main idea of Thoreau?

In Civil Disobedience, Thoreau’s basic premise is that a higher law than civil law demands the obedience of the individual.

Was Thoreau married?

Thoreau never married and was childless. In 1840, he proposed to eighteen-year old Ellen Sewall, but she refused him, on the advice of her father. He strove to portray himself as an ascetic puritan.

What house did Thoreau make for himself at Walden?

On July 4, 1845, Henry David Thoreau decided it was time to be alone. He settled in a forest on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts, and built himself a tiny cabin. “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,” he famously wrote in Walden.

What are the four necessities of life according to Thoreau?

Thoreau identifies only four necessities: food, shelter, clothing, and fuel. Since nature itself does much to provide these, a person willing to accept the basic gifts of nature can live off the land with minimal toil.

Which is one of the main themes of Walden?

His central motivation in going to Walden is to figure out what kind of life he should be living (what he calls his attempt to “live deliberately”), and in large part that attempt comes down to determining what kinds of work he should be pursuing.