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Is Musashi worth reading?

Is Musashi worth reading?

Musashi: An Epic Novel of the Samurai Era, by Eiji Yoshikawa. KODANSHA, Fiction. There’s plenty of action and adventure in the life of a samurai swordsman, but we also glimpse the lives of everyday people, and it’s a thoroughly engrossing read.

Is Musashi an easy read?

The power of this novel is subtle because it’s so incredibly easy to read; in fact, it’s probably the easiest 900-page book in existence.

Why read Musashi?

”Musashi,” while based on real figures, is a work of historical fiction, presenting an idealized version of the past that allows Japanese readers to feel ennobled by their heritage and enables Occidental readers to see how the Japanese wish to see themselves.

How many pages are in Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa?

984US hardback edition
Musashi/Page count

Which Musashi book to read first?

If you have to read anything first, The Heike Story is another good starting place. It is a well-known story in Japan, but Yoshikawa gives it a compelling twist by telling it from the point-of-view of its traditional villain (for that reason, the Japanese title literally translates to NEW Heike Story).

Who wrote Musashi?

Eiji Yoshikawa

Is Musashi novel real?

It is a fictionalized account of the life of Miyamoto Musashi, author of The Book of Five Rings and arguably the most renowned Japanese swordsman who ever lived.

Is Musashi a Hanma?

Musashi Miyamoto was the real-life Japanese swordsman and rounin. It is speculated that Musashi could be related to the Hanma lineage, as he and Yuujiro are incredibly powerful, having similar hairstyles and personalities as well as using a matching stance.

Is Musashi historically accurate?

Introduction. It is a fictionalized account of the life of Miyamoto Musashi, author of The Book of Five Rings and arguably the most renowned Japanese swordsman who ever lived.

Was Miyamoto Musashi real?

Miyamoto Musashi, original name Miyamoto Masana, artistic name Niten, (born 1584, Mimasaka or Harima, Japan—died June 13, 1645, Higo), famous Japanese soldier-artist of the early Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603–1867). Musashi began his career as a fighter early in life when, at age 13, he killed a man in single combat.