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Did they use real rugby players in Invictus?

Did they use real rugby players in Invictus?

It was also spectacular to have a chance to work with people like Matt and Morgan and Clint Eastwood.” Most of the rugby players–although representing different countries competing in the onscreen games–were cast in South Africa.

Did Jonah Lomu play himself in Invictus?

And before he knew it, there he was playing Jonah Lomu in Clint Eastwood’s new movie, “Invictus”, alongside Oscar® winners Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. On the International XVs side, Zak was to play alongside the legendary Jonah Lomu, but due to an injury in training had to pull out at the eleventh hour.

What is the Invictus movie about?

After his 27-year imprisonment and subsequent election as President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela faces the task of unifying a country divided by race. Only months since the end of Apartheid, divisions still exist between the country’s whites and blacks, something Mandela notices during an international rugby match. Realising black supporters cheer on the opposing side when their white Springboks take to the field.
Invictus/Film synopsis

What does Matt Damon think of rugby?

Matt: I knew a little bit about rugby, but very, very little. I do think it helps, in terms of an American audience, that the game is enough like football, in the sense that it’s a battle for field position, and you score by running into what looks like an end zone and putting the ball down.

What is the moral of Invictus?

In William Ernest Henley’s poem “Invictus”, the use of strong and descriptive language and extravagant metaphors help clearly convey the theme of the poem which is to never lose hope no matter the circumstance, and how you control your fate and decide your future.

Is Matt Damon a rugby fan?

He’s got a big head, he thinks he’s good-looking and all that. We didn’t get on all that well at all as a matter of fact,” he said. The actor has also admitted that he knows very little about rugby – despite starring in a film about the sport’s famous 1995 World Cup in South Africa.