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What are some words for auto?

What are some words for auto?

Synonyms of auto

  • automobile,
  • bus,
  • car,
  • horseless carriage,
  • machine,
  • motor,
  • motor vehicle,
  • motorcar,

What is the term for auto?

auto- 1. a combining form meaning “self,” “same,” “spontaneous,” used in the formation of compound words: autograph, autodidact.

What is the meaning of auto-antonyms?

An auto-antonym or autantonym, also called a contronym or antagonym among other terms, is a word with multiple meanings (senses) of which one is the reverse of another. For example, the word cleave can mean “to cut apart” or “to bind together”.

Is literally an auto-antonym?

That was in 1708. Regardless of when “literally” took on its second, figurative meaning, English words are notorious for having multiple definitions or even meaning two entirely opposite things. There exists in English an entire category of words called auto-antonyms – words that mean the opposite of themselves.

What word starts with auto?

10-letter words that start with auto

  • automation.
  • automotive.
  • autonomous.
  • automobile.
  • autoimmune.
  • autologous.
  • automatism.
  • autogenous.

What’s another word for automated?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for automated, like: mechanical, mechanized, automatic, machine-driven, self-closing, mechano-electronic, motorized, semi-automated, computerized, real time and self-lighting.

Is auto a prefix?

The Greek prefix auto- means “self.” Good examples using the prefix auto- include automotive and autopilot. An easy way to remember that the prefix auto- means “self” is through the word autobiography, or the history of a person which is written by that person her”self.”

Is dust an auto-antonym?

An auto-antonym, also called contronym or contranym, is a word or phrase which contradicts itself. It means the word or phrase has two opposite meanings. So, the word ‘dust’ is an auto-antonym.

What word is an antonym of itself?

Auto-antonym has Greek roots meaning a word that is the opposite of itself. They have variously been called contranyms, contronyms, antilogies, Janus words (after the two-faced Greek mythical figure, from which “January” also derives), and enantiodromes.

What does the prefix auto mean?

auto- 1. a combining form meaning “self,” “same,” “spontaneous,” used in the formation of compound words: autograph, autodidact.