Users' questions

How was the rate of transpiration affected by your choice of experimental variable as compared to the control?

How was the rate of transpiration affected by your choice of experimental variable as compared to the control?

Data Analysis. 1. The rate of transpiration in our experimental plant compared to our control plant was very rapid due to the extreme dry and arid conditions in which we put it in. The heat and dryness of the atmosphere increased the rate of transpiration.

What is transpiration AP biology?

Transpiration. Process by which moisture is carried through the plants from the roots to the leaves, where it changes to water vapor and is released into the atmosphere; Evaporation of water provided the pull; occurs in xylem cells. Guttation.

How do plants maintain the balance between the transport of CO2 and O2 and the amount of water lost through transpiration?

How do plants maintain the balance between the transport of CO2 and O2 and the amount of water lost through transpiration? All plants have pores called stomata which regulate the exchange of CO2 and O2 in and out of the plant.

Why is Vaseline used in transpiration experiment?

Stomata are located under the leaves. When petroleum jelly is applied underneath, stomata get completely blocked thereby preventing photosynthesis. When petroleum jelly is applied only on top of the leaves, stomata are not blocked. As a result, the plant was able to process food, and so it lived.

What is the string used for in the light transpiration experiment?

56 second suggested clip0:163:58LEAF TRANSPIRATION Experiment (what is transpiration?) – YouTubeYouTube

Did wind increase or decrease the rate of transpiration compared to the control?

higher wind speed, greater transpiration rate. Wind speed around a leaf is low then water vapour surrounds the leaf. the drier the air the faster transpiration happens.

What is the aim of the transpiration experiment?

Objective: To show transpiration by capturing the water that evaporates through the leaves.

What are the two main functions of transpiration in plants?

This is transpiration. It has two main functions: cooling the plant and pumping water and minerals to the leaves for photosynthesis. Plants need to cool themselves for several reasons. When temperatures are too high, energy systems (metabolic functions) slow, and growth and flowering slows or stops.

How does transpiration help plants maintain homeostasis?

Transpiration drives the flow of water and dissolved nutrients through the plant. Transpiration provides evaporative cooling. As water leaves the plant tissues into the atmosphere, it takes energy with it in the form of heat. Much like when we sweat, this allows the plant to cool and maintain homeostasis.

Why must a plant find the balance between transpiration and photosynthesis?

Leaves are covered by a waxy cuticle on the outer surface that prevents the loss of water. When stomata are open, however, water vapor is lost to the external environment, increasing the rate of transpiration. Therefore, plants must maintain a balance between efficient photosynthesis and water loss.

What will happen if you coat a leaf with wax?

If a leaf of a plant is coated with wax, then the processes of the plant leaf will stop. Lack of carbon dioxide would stop it from making food for the plant by affecting the photosynthesis and also the transpiration of water that happens to the small opening food stop.