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How do you know if a bruise is serious?

How do you know if a bruise is serious?

See your doctor or visit State Urgent Care right away if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  1. Abnormal bleeding in the gums, frequent nose bleeds or blood in the urine or stool.
  2. Frequent very large, very painful bruises.
  3. Numbness or weakness anywhere in the injured limb.
  4. Swelling around the bruised skin.

Can bruises on legs cause blood clots?

The bruise itself won’t cause a blood clot. In very rare circumstances, the hit that caused the bruise can. If a deep-seated vein is damaged during the collision, it could lead to a deep-vein clot. This is called deep-vein thrombosis (DVT).

Should I be worried about a bruise on my leg?

See your doctor if you notice the following: bruises that show no sign of improvement after a week or two. bruises that appear after starting a new medication or supplement. bruises that keep occurring in the same area. bruising that’s severe after a minor bump or injury.

What do blood cancer bruises look like?

Small red spots (petechiae) As well as medium-to-large bruises, you might notice “rashes” appearing on your skin. Small, pinhead-sized red spots on the skin (called “petechiae”) may be a sign of leukaemia. These small red spots are actually very small bruises that cluster so that they look like a rash.

When should you go to the ER for a bruise?

When to Seek Medical Care Call the doctor if the bruise is painful and under a toenail or fingernail. Call the doctor if a bruise does not improve within two weeks or fails to completely clear after three or four weeks. Go to an emergency room if you think you have a broken bone along with the bruise.

What happens when a bruise turns purple?

Within hours a bruise will turn into a dark blue or purple color. As the bruise begins to heal it changes colors. The color change is due to the biochemical breakdown of hemoglobin that is found in the blood. As the different components of the blood are broken down, different colors will appear in the bruise.

What are the symptoms of thrombosis in the leg?

DVT signs and symptoms can include:

  • Swelling in the affected leg. Rarely, there’s swelling in both legs.
  • Pain in your leg. The pain often starts in your calf and can feel like cramping or soreness.
  • Red or discolored skin on the leg.
  • A feeling of warmth in the affected leg.