
How do you get Tali to show her face?

How do you get Tali to show her face?

This created a lot of intrigue around Tali during the Mass Effect trilogy’s original run a decade ago, as her face was always shrouded behind her iconic purple mask. The only way to view Tali’s face is by romancing her in Mass Effect 3. This will spawn an unmasked photo of her next to Commander Shepard’s bedside.

Do you ever see a quarians face?

Yes there is. If you speak to her on the Normandy after that mission, she will tell you that she left something for you in your cabin. If you then go to your cabin, you will find a picture of her without her mask next to your bed.

How do I take a picture in Mass Effect Legendary?

Players can follow the button prompts at the bottom of the screen to hide the camera interface and snap their photos. On PC, the Tab key should hide the UI, and Spacebar will take a photo. On PlayStation, Circle will hide the UI, and Square will take a photo. On Xbox, B will hide the UI, and X will take the photo.

Is Tali’s face revealed?

Tali’s face was eventually shown at the end of Mass Effect 3 to those who romanced the character via a picture in Shepard’s cabin. Her design was based on the Photoshop of a human stock photo model – something which angered some of the character’s fans.

Did they change Tali’s face?

Players discovered one such change over the weekend, with a major, but easily missable, update to Tali’Zorah’s infamous maskless picture. The old stock image is gone, replaced with a visible rendering of Tali’s visible face, breathing in the non-toxic air of her homeworld, Rannoch.

Can you see Tali’s face in me3?

Does Tali end up with Garrus?

And while everyone knows about the sweet relationship between Joker and EDI, you might not be aware that Garrus and Tali can also get together. The pair’s romance isn’t the deepest in the series, but both characters are some of Mass Effect’s most beloved companions, so just seeing them as a loving pair is exciting.

Where does Mass Effect Legendary save screenshots?

Any images you take from the Photo Mode in Mass Effect LE will be saved to the following file path on a Windows PC by default; My Documents > BioWare > Mass Effect Legendary Edition > Screenshots. Once you reach that folder, you should be able to find just about every photo you’ve taken in the game.