Users' questions

How many branches of M Lhuillier are there?

How many branches of M Lhuillier are there?

3,000 branches
With over 3,000 branches nationwide, sending and receiving money has never been more convenient!

How do I claim M Lhuillier online?


  1. Go to the cash out option > Click Remittance Centers > Choose M Lhuillier Cash Pickup.
  2. Enter the amount that you want to cash out. This will be the amount your recipient will claim.
  3. Click next, then fill up the recipient details.
  4. Your claiming details will appear on the app after you Slide to pay.

Can I claim my M Lhuillier in cebuana?

You may claim it in any Cebuana Lhuillier Branch or thru our authorized agents or partners.

Is M Lhuillier different from Cebuana Lhuillier?

🔶Today, Cebuana has more than 2500 branches while M. Lhuillier has more than 2000 and still growing. 🔶 They both have diversified into the money remittance business as well. M.L has Kwarta Padala while Cebuana has Pera Padala.

How do I claim SAP M Lhuillier?

To know more about how you can claim your SAP cash aid through M Lhuillier, contact Customer Care through the toll-free number 1-800-1-0572-3252. M Lhuillier continues to be the “Tulay ng PaMLyang Pilipino” even during the Covid-19 crisis.

Where can I claim M Lhuillier?

You can visit any of the 2600+ M Lhuillier branches nationwide to claim your money. Don’t forget to bring one valid ID before visiting the branch.

Can I claim money from Western Union to Cebuana Lhuillier?

Customers in the Philippines can now receive their Western Union international money transfers via the Cebuana Lhuillier Mobile App – eCebuana (or eCeb) with an embedded micro-savings account. The opportunity to send money locally or globally via the app will roll out early next year.

Can I claim my sap in any M Lhuillier branch?

Recipients of the SAP who have not yet claimed their compensation may cash out at any of M Lhuillier’s more than 2,500 branches nationwide. Beneficiaries must bring a valid ID along with the reference number from Starpay to successfully claim their cash aid in all branches.