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What is neuromuscular junction PDF?

What is neuromuscular junction PDF?

The end of each motor axon branches into 20–100 thin terminal fibres, each of which has a terminal unmyelinated zone that innervates a single muscle fibre. The neuromuscular junction is the chemical synapse that lies between the terminal ends of motor neurons and skeletal muscle fibres.

What is neuromuscular junction in physiology?

The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a highly specialized synapse between a motor neuron nerve terminal and its muscle fiber that are responsible for converting electrical impulses generated by the motor neuron into electrical activity in the muscle fibers.

What is the general anatomy of the neuromuscular junction?

The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a synapse that develops between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber, and is made up of several components: the presynaptic nerve terminal, the postsynaptic muscle membrane, and the intervening cleft (or gap).

What is the physiology of muscle contraction?

Muscle contraction is the activation of tension-generating sites within muscle cells. Muscle contractions can be described based on two variables: length and tension. A muscle contraction is described as isometric if the muscle tension changes but the muscle length remains the same.

What are the events of neuromuscular junction?

A neuromuscular junction (or myoneural junction) is a chemical synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber. It allows the motor neuron to transmit a signal to the muscle fiber, causing muscle contraction. Muscles require innervation to function—and even just to maintain muscle tone, avoiding atrophy.

How many steps are in neuromuscular junction?

Steps of Signalling at Neuromuscular Junctions The events involved in the transmission of a signal at a neuromuscular junction are summarized in the six steps below.

What is the importance of neuromuscular junction?

The neuromuscular junction plays a vital role in the function of skeletal muscle. It is responsible for transducting the excitatory electrical impulse from the nervous system to the muscle fiber, resulting in a muscle fiber action.

What is the importance of the neuromuscular junction?

What is the physiology of muscle?

Whether it is skeletal, cardiac, or smooth, the muscles in the human body function to create force and movement. Skeletal muscle also contributes to energy metabolism and storage. Cardiac muscle propels blood and leads to proper oxygenation and maintenance of each cell that comprises the human body.