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Why is my mole getting bigger?

Why is my mole getting bigger?

Healthy moles do not change in size, shape or color. If you notice a mole is getting bigger, changing shapes or getting darker than normal, this could be a sign of a malignant mole.

Should I be worried if a mole gets bigger?

If you have any moles that are larger than most, have smudgy or irregular edges, are uneven in colour or have some pinkness, you should see a doctor and get them checked. Any moles that appear newly in adulthood should be checked. The most concerning sign, however, is a changing mole.

Can a benign mole get bigger?

The nevus may get bigger; enlargement is especially concerning if its diameter becomes larger than the eraser of a pencil. Elevation/Evolution. The nevus may appear elevated, or raised from the skin, and may look inflamed, bleed or become crusty.

How can you visually tell if a mole is cancerous?

Use the “ABCDE rule” to look for some of the common signs of melanoma, one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer:

  • Asymmetry. One part of a mole or birthmark doesn’t match the other.
  • Border. The edges are irregular, ragged, notched, or blurred.
  • Color.
  • Diameter.
  • Evolving.

What to Do If a mole gets bigger?

See a GP as soon as possible if you notice changes in a mole, freckle or patch of skin, particularly if the changes happen over a few weeks or months. Credit: Signs to look out for include a mole that’s: getting bigger.

Do moles grow bigger with age?

Moles may change over time. They may get bigger, grow a hair, become more raised, get lighter in color, or fade away. Many people develop new moles until about age 40. Most of these are normal changes.

Can a mole be raised and not cancerous?

Moles can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, and some contain hair. Most moles are dark brown or black, but some are skin-colored or yellowish. Moles can change over time and often respond to hormonal changes. Most moles are benign and no treatment is necessary.

Are melanomas slow growing?

It might slowly get bigger over several years and might change shape or colour. If it becomes a lentigo maligna melanoma, it starts to grow down into the deeper layers of the skin and may form lumps (nodules).