
How much does it cost to run a 400 000 Btu pool heater?

How much does it cost to run a 400 000 Btu pool heater?

A 100,000 BTU heater uses 1 therm of natural gas per hour, so a 400,000 heater consumes 4 therms an hour. 4 therms an hour x $1.67 = $6.68 per hour. So the magic number based on the most common 400,000 BTU pool/ spa heater is $6.68 per hour in gas cost to run your heater.

How many Btu is a MasterTemp 400?

Product Description. This 400K BTU propane gas high performance eco-friendly heater is best-in-class energy efficiency and it heats up fast so no long waits before enjoying your pool or spa.

How much propane does a Pentair pool heater use?

Here’s why: the average propane pool heater burns about 1 gallon of propane per hour per 100,000 Btus. Since a propane pool heater for a standard-sized pool (~21,000 gallons) outputs 400,000 Btus, you will burn about four gallons of propane per hour.

How many BTUs do I need for a 20000 gallon pool?

85,000 BTU
We would recommend at least an 85,000 BTU heat pump for a 20,000 gallon pool. If you would like to extend your swimming season into the late Fall or early Spring or you live in a colder area we would recommend a larger unit like the AquaPro 112,000 BTU or AquaPro 137,000 BTU models.

Should I run pool heater overnight?

When asking can you leave pool heater on overnight, the answer is definitely no if you have no swimming pool cover. So unless you have money to burn, it’s best not to run your heater at night on an uncovered swimming pool.

Are Raypak pool heaters good?

Raypak has proven to be a reliable, affordable heater for pool owners across the nation. Unlike the Hayward H-Series heaters, the standard residential Raypak heater does not come with Low NOx emissions nor a cupro-nickel heat exchanger.

How do I calculate the volume of my pool?

For a rectangular pool, multiply the length times the width, then multiply by the average depth. Finally, multiply by 7.5. For example, a pool that’s 30 feet in length and 15 feet wide, with an average depth of 5 feet, would be 30 x 15 x 5 x 7.5= 16,875.