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What role does fear play in creating authority in Act 1?

What role does fear play in creating authority in Act 1?

Fear was critical in the establishment of authority. Reverend Parris comes to understand that if he is able to manipulate the paranoia of witchcraft washing over the town, he can gain more power. People will look at him as a source of power because of their fear.

How does fear affect the characters in The Crucible Act 1?

The characters in The Crucible allow fear to manipulate their beliefs and actions. They all know what is right, but fear alters their mindset causing them to act differently. Therefore, people unintentionally allow fear to cause them to act irrationally.

Where is fear shown in The Crucible?

In “ The Crucible “ by Arthur Miller revenge is shown through characters, fear is shown through plot , and hysteria is shown through theme. Fear is shown through plot by the lie that has gone too far and is ruining people’s lives on telling the truth.

What causes fear in The Crucible?

The Salem Witch Trials in the 1690’s brought sweeping fear across the state of Massachusetts. The crime of witchcraft was so horrendous that it was punishable by death. This constant scare caused many to turn on one another, in the hopes of saving themselves.

What does Hale fear in The Crucible?

Hale admits he is scared and fears the court, which is different from his optimistic attitude towards the beginning of the play.

How does fear affect The Crucible?

In the story The Crucible, people act out of fear. It makes people act irrationally because they are too afraid to do what is right. In the beginning, Abigail is afraid of what Parris will do to her and the other girls, so in fear she blames what they did in the forest that day on witchcraft.

How did fear affect The Crucible?

At times, fear motivates people to behave unscrupulously. Personal fears instigate some characters in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible to cry witch. Fear induces people to defend their personal whims and use their power to harm others. Reverend Parris’ fear of losing his job provokes him to cry witch.

What does Elizabeth fear in the crucible?

Her pride won’t let her. The revelation that John has talked to Abigail alone changes Elizabeth. Her fear and anger about John’s affair come out.

What does Reverend Hale do in Act 1?

John Hale, the intellectual, naïve witch-hunter, enters the play in Act I when Parris summons him to examine his daughter, Betty. As his belief in witchcraft falters, so does his faith in the law. …

Who fears being wrong in The Crucible?

When John refuses to let him post his confession in town, Danforth sends him away to be hanged, “high over the town.” Danforth believes in sticking by a principle in spite of all evidence that his belief is wrong. Despite his intelligence and prestige, Danforth is the most deluded character in the play.

What does Reverend Parris fear?

What does Reverend Parris fear? That his enemies will use the accusations of witchcraft against him.

What does John Proctor fear in The Crucible?

His immense pride and fear of public opinion compelled him to withhold his adultery from the court, but by the end of the play he is more concerned with his personal integrity than his public reputation.