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What is the popliteal region called?

What is the popliteal region called?

popliteal fossa
Anatomical terminology The popliteal fossa (sometimes referred to as hough, or kneepit in analogy to the cubital fossa) is a shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint. The bones of the popliteal fossa are the femur and the tibia.

What is the backside of your knee called?

The shallow depression formed at the back of the knee is called the popliteal fossa; it is formed at the junction of the femur and tibia. There is a muscle here on the floor of the popliteal fossa which is the deepest muscle of the knee joint.

What’s popliteal mean?

Definition of popliteal : of or relating to the back part of the leg behind the knee joint.

What structures are behind the knee?

Below the kneecap, there is a large tendon (patellar tendon) which attaches to the front of the tibia bone. There are large blood vessels passing through the area behind the knee (referred to as the popliteal space).

What causes pain on back of leg behind knee?

A hamstring strain happens when the muscle is stretched too far. The muscle can completely tear, which can take months to heal. When you injure your hamstring muscle, you’ll feel a sudden pain. Injuries to the biceps femoris — called biceps femoris tendinopathy — cause pain in the back of the knee.

What is popliteus?

Despite its small size, the popliteus is a major stabilizer of the knee. The popliteus is involved in both the closed chain phase and open-chain phase of the gait cycle. During the closed chain phase, which is when the foot is in contact with the ground, the muscle externally rotates the femur on the tibia.

What causes popliteal pain?

Popliteal fossa pain is developed by a wide variety of causes. The most common causes are Baker’s cyst, soft tissue or bone tumor and injury to the meniscus, hamstring, popliteal tendon or ligament.

What is popliteal pulse?

Your popliteal pulse is one of several places on your body where you can easily check your heart rate. The location of the popliteal pulse is the soft spots behind your knees. ‌Your popliteal pulse can help you monitor your health in several ways.

How do you relieve pain behind the knee?

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation If you have sudden, intense pain in the back of your knee, the doctor may recommend that you rest and apply ice to your knee. In some cases, your doctor may also ask you to elevate (prop up) your leg while you’re sitting down to help improve the blood flow in your leg.

What is the function of popliteal?

The popliteus muscle plays an important role in the gait cycle by initiating the flexion of the fully extended (“locked”) knee. Thus, the popliteus is referred to as the “key to unlock the knee”. In addition, the popliteus muscle is the main stabilizer of the dorsal knee region.

Where is the popliteal located?

Superomedial border – semimembranosus.

  • Superolateral border – biceps femoris.
  • Inferomedial border – medial head of the gastrocnemius.
  • Inferolateral border – lateral head of the gastrocnemius and plantaris.
  • How do you treat popliteal pain?

    Rest. Rest from aggravating activities.

  • Cold therapy. Apply ice or cold therapy immediately as soon as possible after injury.
  • Knee supports. Wear a light weight knee support to protect your injured muscle in the early stages.
  • Massage. Deep tissue sports massage to the Popliteus muscle along with ultrasound therapy may be beneficial.
  • Where is popliteal artery located?

    The popliteal artery branches off from the femoral artery.It is located in the knee and the back of the leg. Its courses near the adductor canal and the adductor hiatus, distinctive open areas inside the thigh.

    Where is popliteal artery?

    Superior lateral genicular artery

  • Superior medial genicular artery
  • Middle genicular artery
  • Inferior lateral genicular artery
  • Inferior medial genicular artery