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Which local government has the highest population in Adamawa State?

Which local government has the highest population in Adamawa State?

Michika local government
Demographics. Michika local government is the most populated in Adamawa State.

How many wards are in michika LGA Adamawa State?

16 wards
The local government shares boundary with the Republic of Cameroon, and is the only local government in Adamawa with 16 wards. The Michika ethnic group makes up 99 percent of inhabitants in Michika local government area in northern Adamawa State.

Which tribe is the most populated in Adamawa?

Muslim Fulbe
At almost 64,000 km2 in land area, the Adamawa is the third largest of Cameroon’s ten regions. The land is rugged and sparsely populated, however, as most is devoted to the rearing of cattle. The Muslim Fulbe (Fulani) form the major ethnic group, though Tikar, Gbaya, and other peoples are present in lesser numbers.

What is the population of Mubi?

The population of Mubi, Nigeria is 225705 according to the GeoNames geographical database.

How many tribe are there in Plateau state?

40 ethnic groups
Known for its heterogeneity, the state has about 40 ethnic groups, including the Vergam, Ankwei, Angas, Jawara (Jarauci), Birom, Mango, Fulani, Hausa, and Eggen. The mining industry has attracted European, Igbo (Ibo), and Yoruba immigrants into the state.

How many local government do we have in Delta state?

25 local government areas
The state was initially created with 12 local government areas in 1991 which was later extended to 19 and now has 25 local government areas. Asaba as its state capital located along the River Niger on the northeastern end of the state, while the state’s economic center is Warri on the southwestern coastline.

Which ward is the largest ward in Nigeria?

Rigasa ward
Igabi is a Local Government Area (LGA) of Kaduna State, Nigeria. It is one of 774 local government areas in Nigeria. Rigasa ward is under Igabi LGA, one of the largest ward in terms of population in Nigeria….

Time zone UTC+1 (WAT)

How many wards are Nigeria?

Nigeria has 774 local government areas (LGAs), with each being administered by a local government council consisting of a Chairman, who is the chief executive, and other elected members, who are referred to as Councillors. Each LGA is further subdivided into a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 Wards.

How many local government are there in Taraba State?

Taraba State consists of sixteen (16) Local Government Areas (or LGAs). They are governed by elected chairmen.

What are the local government in Adamawa?

Adamawa State Local Government Areas Demsa LGA is situated in the town of Demsa and the area council consist the districts of Gwamba, Nasarawa Demsa, Bille, Dilli, Dong, Dwam, Kpasham, Mbula Kuli, Bali, Borrong, Barinkin Jatau, Bomni, Bujin Kona, Dakkli, Dem, Donwa, Guri, Kpankpai, Kpasham.

Which is the dominant tribe found in Mubi town?

Demographics. The major tribes of the town are Fali, Gude, Kamwe, Margi and Mundang (Godo-godo).

Is Michika a town in Adamawa State?

Mwe-cika (Michika) is the fourth largest town in Adamawa State. The principal ethnic group and language in Michika is the Kamwe people and their language is Vecemwe. Michika local government was created in 1976.

Which local government is the most populated in Adamawa State?

Michika local government is the most populated in Adamawa State. The Kamwe people are generally very enterprising, as they are found in big cities and towns in Nigeria engaging in all forms of lawful trades.

What is the Michika local government?

The Michika local government was created in 1976. It is located in the northern axis of the state and is bordered on the east by the Republic of Cameroon.

Where is Michika in Nigeria?

Michika (Mwe-cika) is a town and Local Government Area in Adamawa State, Nigeria, it is an administrative headquarters. It is in Northern Adamawa State and located directly across the border from the famous tourist site of Mcedigyi in vecemwe Rhumsiki in Cameroon.