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What is landmine in Afghanistan?

What is landmine in Afghanistan?

These landmines have rendered fields, valleys, cities, watercourses, mountains and other terrain unusable, leading to the under-development of the country. About 41,085 Afghan civilians have been killed or injured by landmines and undetonated munitions, according to the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS).

Who put the landmines in Afghanistan?

most were laid by Soviet and pro-Soviet Afghan government forces from 1979-1992. At least fifty different types of mines have been identified in Afghanistan of Belgian, Chinese, ex- Czechoslovakian, Iranian, Italian, Pakistani, Singaporean, ex-USSR, United Kingdom, ex- Yugoslavian, and Zimbabwean manufacture.

How many landmines affected Afghanistan?

Humanitarian mine action partners in Afghanistan have cleared more than 18.9 million items of ERW, some 750,518 Anti-personnel (AP) mines, and some 32,401 Anti-vehicle (AV) mines since 1989.

Where and when was the first mine Programme established?

History. The United Nations had been involved in mine action since it established the Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan in 1989.

What is Landmining?

or land mine noun Military. an explosive charge concealed just under the surface of the ground or of a roadway, designed to be detonated by pressure, proximity of a vehicle or person, etc. aerial mine (def. 2).

How did landmines get in Afghanistan?

Landmines have been planted indiscriminately over most of the country. Agricultural farms, grazing areas, irrigation canals, residential areas, roads and footpaths, both in urban and rural areas, are contaminated. Mines are a major obstacle to repatriation, relief, rehabilitation and development activities.

Who takes the primary responsibility for mine action?

United Nations mine action is carried out in the field under the overall coordination of the Senior United Nations Official and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT)20.

What is a mine in war?

mine, in military and naval operations, a usually stationary explosive device that is designed to destroy personnel, ships, or vehicles when the latter come in contact with it.