
How do you treat a canker on a blueberry?

How do you treat a canker on a blueberry?

You may be able to save your shrubs by fast action when you see stem canker on blueberry canes. Using sterilized pruners, clip out the bushes 6 to 8 inches (15-20.5 cm.) below the lowest signs of stem disease or discoloration. Burn or dispose of the diseased portions of the stems.

What is blueberry canker?

March 2021. Godronia canker is caused by the pathogen Fusicoccum putrefaciens, the asexual stage of Godronia cassandrae. In recent years, godronia canker has become one of the most common diseases of highbush blueberry in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia (B.C.).

What diseases do blueberries get?


  • Algal stem blotch.
  • Alternaria leaf spot and fruit rot.
  • Anthracnose.
  • Armillaria root rot.
  • Bacterial canker.
  • Bacterial leaf scorch.
  • Botryosphaeria stem blight.
  • Botryosphaeria stem canker.

How do you treat blueberry blight?

Cut off any infected canes 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm.) below any signs of infection and destroy them. Fungicides have no efficacy with relation to treating blueberry stem blight. Other options are to plant resistant cultivars, use disease free planting medium, and minimize any injury to the plant.

What are the brown spots on my blueberries?

Brown spots appearing on Blueberry leaves means that your plant has developed one of the many Blueberry leaf spot diseases. More often than not, these brown spots are a result of a fungal disease. Anthracnose and septoria are the two most common fungal diseases in Blueberries.

How do you take care of blueberry plants?

Deep, low pH mulch like peat moss, pine needles or well aged sawdust conserves water and minimizes soil water fluctuations. Water blueberry plants during the day. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Give them at least 1″ per week during growing season and up to 4″ per week during fruit ripening.

Why do my blueberries have bumps?

Crown gall in blueberries is caused by the soilborne bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Agrobacterium infects through wounds on the stems and roots, causing knobby galls to form. The pathogen is spread by splashing rain, irrigation water, infested tools and equipment, and on contaminated cuttings or grafting stock.

What’s wrong with my blueberry leaves?

Chlorosis in blueberry plants occurs when a lack of iron prevents the leaves from producing chlorophyll. This nutritional deficiency is often the cause for yellow or discolored blueberry leaves, stunted growth, reduced yield, and in some cases, eventual death of the plant.

Why is my blueberry plant turning black?

Mummy berry disease is a fungal infection that causes the fruit of the plant to become small and shriveled. Once becoming infected, leaves of blueberry plants turn black from the center outward, and wilt. The flowers too become infected, later causing the fruit to wilt and become mummies all over again.

What is blueberry stem blight?

Stem blight is the result of the fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea. It occurs in both high bush and rabbit eye varieties of blueberry. The disease enters through wounds in the plant and seems to be most prevalent in the early season, although infection can occur at any time.

What’s wrong with my blueberry plant?

Too little sun or too much exposure opens the door to ill health. Similarly, blueberries need consistently moist, yet well-drained, soil. Too much water chokes shallow blueberry roots, creates nutritional imbalances and leaves the plant weak and sickly. Underwatering creates another set of stress-induced symptoms.

How do you treat blueberry rust?

Blueberry rust can be managed with fungicides or by planting tolerant varieties. The removal of alternative or volunteer host plants that may harbour the disease can be beneficial in reducing sources of blueberry rust spores.