What is render action?
What is render action?
RenderAction(): Invokes the specified child action method and renders the result inline in the parent view. This method is more efficient if the action returns a large amount of HTML.
What is the use of RenderAction in MVC?
RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String, String) Invokes the specified child action method using the specified controller name and renders the result inline in the parent view.
Which of the following differentiates action from RenderAction?
“The difference between the two is that Html. RenderAction will render the result directly to the Response (which is more efficient if the action returns a large amount of HTML) whereas Html. Action returns a string with the result.”
What is difference between render action and render partial?
Render vs Action partial RenderPartial will render the view on the same controller. But RenderAction will execute the action method , then builds a model and returns a view result.
What does HTML action do?
The HTML form action attribute defines what should happen to data when a form is submitted on a web page. The action attribute is used to specify where we want to send the form data when the form is submitted. So the value of the action is the page that will process the form.
When should I use RenderAction?
RenderAction are used when your partial view model are independent from parent model, basically it is used when you want to display any widget type content on page. You must create an action method which returns a partial view result while calling the method from view.
What is difference between HTML partial and HTML RenderPartial?
The primary difference between the two methods is that Partial generates the HTML from the View and returns it to the View to be incorporated into the page. RenderPartial, on the other hand, doesn’t return anything and, instead, adds its HTML directly to the Response object’s output.
What is the difference between HTML partial info and HTML action info?
Basically, if is static, use Html. Partial() . If dynamic, model independent data, use Html. Action() .
What is action attribute in HTML form?
The action attribute defines the action to be performed when the form is submitted. Usually, the form data is sent to a file on the server when the user clicks on the submit button.