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How do I download from YouTube using Apple?

How do I download from YouTube using Apple?

How to download YouTube videos on Android

  1. Download TubeMate and install on your Android phone.
  2. Open TubeMate and search for a YouTube video.
  3. Tap the green Download button.
  4. Choose from the list of quality and format options.
  5. Tap the Downloads List icon in the bottom menu to find your video.

Why are my YouTube downloads not available?

Here are some main reasons for can’t download videos from YouTube: You are not signed into YouTube Premium. Your membership has been expired. YouTube Premium is not available in your location.

How do I get the YouTube app on my Mac?

Opening YouTube App in Mac When you are in Chrome, go to chrome://apps/ or click on the “Apps” button showing on the left corner of the bookmarks bar. Click on the YouTube icon to launch the app.

Can you download YouTube videos to iPhone?

Thankfully, downloading YouTube videos to your iPhone is still pretty easy. It just requires a small workaround using a browser. Next, browse to the YouTube video you want to download. You can use the official YouTube app to do this; just open the video, tap Share, then choose Copy link.

How do I install YouTube app on my iPhone?

To install YouTube, you need to set up your phone for internet and activate your Apple ID on your phone.

  1. Find “App Store” Press App Store.
  2. Find YouTube. Press Search. Press the search field.
  3. Install YouTube. Press GET. Press INSTALL and wait while YouTube is installed.
  4. Return to the home screen.

Can you download YouTube videos on iPhone?

How do I enable download settings on YouTube?

To make a YouTube video available offline, first you need to open the YouTube app on your Android or iOS smartphone or tablet. Visit the video file you want to download. Look for the Add to Offline icon below the video (alternatively you can click the context menu button and select Add to Offline option).

Why did YouTube delete my Downloads?

YouTube stores all its downloaded videos as cache storage. So, by cleaning cache will delete all your downloaded videos and log you out from the app.