What is type U in Sysobjects?
What is type U in Sysobjects?
U = User table. UQ = UNIQUE constraint (type is K) V = View. X = Extended stored procedure.
What is Sysobjects?
SYSOBJECTS contains a row for every object that has been created in the database, including stored procedures , views , and user tables (which are an important to distinguish from system tables .)
What is Refdate in Sysobjects?
refdate is typically create date, but reserved for internal use by Microsoft. You cannot get the last access date of an object without tracking it with Profiler.
Where can I find SYS objects?
Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas.
What is the use of Information_schema in SQL Server?
INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata, information about the MySQL server such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that are sometimes used for this information are data dictionary and system catalog.
What is SQL Xtype?
One of the columns of the sys. sysobjects system view is the XTYPE which contains the type of object a particular row contains. The value in the XTYPE column can be one of the following object types: AF : Aggregate function (CLR) C : CHECK Constraint.
How do I get the database name from Sysobjects?
If you want to search for objects that are created by the user, you should use the sys. objects view instead of the sys. all_objects view. If you want to know the name of the current database, you can use the DB_NAME() function.
What is SYS Sql_modules?
sys.sql_modules – is a catalog view which returns definitions of all modules in current database.
What is the INFORMATION_SCHEMA Database? The INFORMATION_SCHEMA database is an ANSI standard set of views we can find in SQL Server, but also MySQL. It provides the read-only access to details related to databases and their objects (tables, constraints, procedures, views…) stored on the server.
What are the tables in INFORMATION_SCHEMA?
Chapter 26 INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata, information about the MySQL server such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that are sometimes used for this information are data dictionary and system catalog.
What triggers Sys?
Contains a row for each object that is a trigger, with a type of TR or TA. DML trigger names are schema-scoped and, therefore, are visible in sys. objects.