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When was Crazy Like a Fox filmed?

When was Crazy Like a Fox filmed?

Still Crazy Like a Fox (also known as Crazy Like a Fox: The Movie) is a 1987 American made-for-television thriller drama film based on the 1984–1986 television series Crazy Like a Fox, which reunited Jack Warden and John Rubinstein as a father and son team of private detectives.

Why was Crazy Like a Fox Cancelled?

However, midway through that season, Syndication brought back its Sunday Night Movie, which displaced the show (along with “Trapper John, M.D.”, which followed “Crazy Like a Fox” up to that point) and resulted in it being bounced around to various time slots, which caused the ratings to drop significantly and led to …

Where does Crazy Like a Fox come from?

The expression gained popularity from humorist S. J. Perelman who made the phrases Crazy Like a Fox the title of a book in 1944, but has shown , but it had already been used for a few decades. A fox is so smart and sly, and he usually finds a way out of anything.

Did George Clooney appear in Crazy Like a Fox?

He wakes up to a frame up for the murder of that client. Cindy’s irresponsible brother Skip (George Clooney) has been organizing boat tours and is in town to chase down a delinquent client. He is lured to a houseboat and drugged. He wakes up to a frame up for the murder of that client.

What is sly as a fox?

One who is clever, cunning, wily,tricky, artful (like a fox)

What is the meaning of crazy like a fox?

Definition of crazy like a fox : appearing foolish or strange but actually very clever He was old but smart. “Crazy like a fox” was the way she described him.

Where does smart as a whip come from?

Very clever, highly intelligent. The sharp crack of a whip has been a metaphor for mental quickness since the mid-nineteenth century in America. “He was as smart as a whip,” wrote B. F. Taylor (World on Wheels, 1874), one of the early appearances of this expression in print.

Why is a fox called Sly?

Farmer’s report that foxes have very sneaky behavior and are very discreet. Foxes with their night vision often hunt at night and run off with chickens, rabbits or any other livestock this carnivorous gets its hands on. This habitat allows the fox to sneakily move around, thus the infamous reputation of being Sly.

What was George Clooney breakout role?

Although Clooney soon had recurring roles on the popular series The Facts of Life and Roseanne, most of his early television work was forgettable. In 1994, however, he earned his big break when he was cast as Dr. Doug Ross on the drama ER.

How can I be sly as a fox?

It uses the words “like” or “as“ to compare two normally unlike things. In this example, “sly as a fox” means that a person is very crafty or dishonest. If you’re as sly as a fox, you are experienced and cunning. You can usually get whatever you want, sometimes by underhanded means.