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What are the basic rules of tennis?

What are the basic rules of tennis?

General Rules of Tennis Players/teams cannot touch the net or posts or cross onto the opponent’s side. Players/teams cannot carry the ball or catch it with the racquet. Players cannot hit the ball twice. Players must wait until the ball passes the net before they can return it.

What are the basic table tennis rules?

The ball must first bounce on your side and then in your opponents. Your opponent must allow the ball to hit their side of the table before trying to return this. The ball must pass cleanly over the net – if it ‘clips’ the net and goes over, it is a ‘let’ and the serve is retaken.

How do you play simple tennis instructions?

What Are the Basic Rules of Tennis?

  1. Keep it inside the lines.
  2. Keep score.
  3. Avoid touching the net.
  4. Hold onto your racket.
  5. Hit the ball after one bounce.
  6. A ball in the air is a ball in play.
  7. Win by two.

What are the rules of a tennis serve?

The server must serve diagonally into the service box across the court. He or she must serve from a stationary position behind the baseline, between the centre mark and sideline — the singles sideline for singles and the doubles sideline for doubles. The server gets two chances to hit a good serve.

Can beginners play tennis?

A common question for beginners is: “Am I too old to start playing?” In terms of finding a place to play, many local parks often have free public tennis courts that anyone can use! So, to round out this section, it’s true that anyone can learn play tennis.

What is an illegal serve in tennis?

If you serve a ball that hits the top of the net before bouncing into the correct service box, it is called a let. You may take that serve again. If the ball hits the net and lands outside the correct service box, it’s a fault. A served ball hitting the post is also a fault.

Can a tennis serve hit the line?

Each player takes it in turn to serve until the match has been won, although in a tie-break situation special serving rules apply. Balls that touch any part of the line are considered in, but if the ball falls outside the lines, the serve is a fault and the player has another opportunity to serve.