
What does for short mean crossword?

What does for short mean crossword?

In other clues, the clue will end with “for short” or “in brief.” This means the answer is a shortened version of the original word.

What is a crossword solving aid?

Solving Aid Crossword Clue

Rank Word Clue
94% HINT Solving aid
37% ROGETSTHESAURUS Crossword solving aid
37% PENCIL Puzzle solving aid
33% DNATEST Modern crime-solving aid

How do you approach crosswords?

These are 18 helpful tips and tricks for solving crossword puzzles:

  1. Do not rush it.
  2. Give yourself a break; use a pencil.
  3. Choose your crossword puzzle day strategically.
  4. Do the easiest clues first (these are the fill-in-the-blank clues).
  5. The same tense applies to the question and answer.

What is a 3 letter word for short?

Short Crossword Clue

Answer Letters Options
Short with 3 Letters
LOW 3 found
SHY 3 found
CUT 3 found

What does GP stand for in crosswords?

General Practitioner
Doctor – DOC, BM (Bachelor of Medicine), MB (Medicinae Baccalaureus), MD (Medicinae Doctor), MO (medical officer), GP (General Practitioner), DR. Doctor of Divinity – DD.

What is a 5 letter word for proportion?

Proportion Crossword Clue

Answer Letters Options
Proportion with 5 Letters
RATIO 5 found
PATCH 5 found
SHARE 5 found

What does FR mean in a crossword puzzle?

Foreign words will be flagged directly, “Friend: Fr.” = AMI or indirectly, “Friend, in France”.

What words have AR in them?


  • agar.
  • ajar.
  • alar.
  • arak.
  • arbs.
  • arch.
  • arco.