Users' questions

Does Flex works on Safari?

Does Flex works on Safari?

Status in browsers Browser support for flexbox is excellent, and the majority of browsers do not need a prefix at this point. Safari was the last of the major browsers to remove prefixes, with the release of Safari 9 in 2015. UC Browser, which still supports the 2009 display: box version only with the -webkit- prefix.

What browsers support flexbox?

Browser Support

  • Chrome any.
  • Firefox any.
  • Safari any.
  • Opera 12.1+
  • IE 10+
  • iOS any.
  • Android any.

Does Flex work on Internet Explorer?

2 Answers. Internet Explorer doesn’t fully support Flexbox due to: Partial support is due to large amount of bugs present (see known issues).

Why is my flex not working?

This worked perfectly in Firefox, but I’m working on the mobile version of my site and added box-sizing:border-box; to my code. This messed up with the flex for some reason, so I ended up setting box-sizing to content-box on most elements again and this fixed it.

Can I use flexbox in email?

As for email applications, Flexbox works well in Apple Mail (on OS X or iOS), Android default email application (on Android 4.4 and below), Outlook app (on iOS and Android), and Thunderbird 31 (and above).

Can I use order CSS?

Since order is only meant to affect the visual order of elements and not their logical or tab order. order must not be used on non-visual media such as speech.

How do I clear my flex?

As @ BoltClock suggested you can “resize your flex container to accommodate the number of items on each line and let them wrap organically”. If you want to actually clear a line similar to using floats you can set a margin in the direction you want to clear.

How do I fix my flex?

If your flex-direction is column, you could use top, left, bottom instead. This works because when you give an element a fixed position and a left and right of 0 or a top and bottom of 0, the element is stretched to fill the space from left to right, or top to bottom.

What is Flex CSS?

The flex property sets the flexible length on flexible items. Note: If the element is not a flexible item, the flex property has no effect.

What is the difference between inline flex and flex?

The display:inline-flex does not make flex items display inline. It makes the flex container display inline. The main difference between display: flex and display: inline-flex is that display: inline-flex will make the flex container an inline element while it’s content maintains its flexbox properties.