
Who invented computer GK?

Who invented computer GK?

Well, it was Charles Babbage who invented the First Mechanical Computer, who is also known as the Father of the Computer. The Invention of the Computer led to a Revolution in Human Civilization….List Of Top 10 Programming Languages and Their Developers.

No. Language Developer
10 Swift Chris Lattner

What are some questions about computers?

Questions about Computers: General Questions

  • Do you know a lot about computers?
  • How often do you use computers?
  • Do you have a printer at home?
  • What are two disadvantages of using smartphones and tablets?
  • What do you think about Cybercafes? are they still useful?
  • What are you looking for in a good computer?

What are the common general knowledge questions?

General Knowledge Questions Every Student Should Know

  • Who is the Father of our Nation?
  • Who was the first President of India?
  • Who is known as Father of Indian Constitution?
  • Which is the most sensitive organ in our body?
  • Giddha is the folk dance of?
  • Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

Who is the mother and father of GK?

Bhikaiji Rustom Cama is the mother of general knowledge (GK).

What is general knowledge of computer?

A computer is a device that can receive process and store data. However, all computers have several parts in common: Input devices allow data and commands to the computer (Mouse, Keyboard etc.) Memory for storing commands and data. Central Processing Unit which controls the processing.

What is a good quiz question?

The best general knowledge quiz questions. What’s the biggest animal in the world? How many times has Andy Murray won Wimbledon playing singles? Which country is brie cheese originally from?

Who is the mother GK?

The mother of general knowledge is Bhikaiji Rustom Cama (GK). Mother of GK : Bhikaiji Cama was born into a large, prosperous Parsi Zoroastrian family in Bombay ( Mumbai).

Who is the mother of the GK?